Go to 公視主題之夜SHOW | themenightshow
公視主題之夜SHOW | themenightshow
一個從電影出發的公民論壇實境秀節目,我們每集都關注一個議題,會陪大家看一部電影或紀錄片,並且邀請關心這個議題的與談人和公民,以及電影中的導演或主角進行映後論壇 |《Theme Night Show》is a brand new two-hour program of Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS), which is run in a format of reality show and broadcast every Friday evening at 10 pm.
Note from the editor

一個從電影出發的公民論壇實境秀節目,我們每集都關注一個議題,會陪大家看一部電影或紀錄片,並且邀請關心這個議題的與談人和公民,以及電影中的導演或主角進行映後論壇 |《Theme Night Show》is a brand new two-hour program of Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS), which is run in a format of reality show and broadcast every Friday evening at 10 pm.

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Theme Night Show |從電影出發的公共論壇​ |拋出思辨的第一磚