Your Favourite Publication in the Making Is Now a Family of 250

Thank you so much for showing your love and support ❤️

Vritant Kumar
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2022


Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

From the very start, I want theMUSINGS to become a place to discover new perspectives, read interesting articles, and find solace in those amazing stories.

And when I read the drafts some of the amazing MUSERS submit, I’m taken aback by the quality and depth of their writings. It’s so good!

You guys inspire me. You truly do.

It feels special when a publication you accidentally started reaches a big milestone like this. It’s just because of the love all of you guys have shown. Thanks for being there.

And we don’t call our writers, writers. Or our readers, readers. We call them all MUSERS.

It’s all of you MUSERS who make theMUSINGS what it is today.

So what does theMUSINGS stand for today?

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Honestly, I haven’t ever thought of “niching down” this publication, and until there’s any reasonable need to do the same, I won’t.

After all, it’s about (good) vibes, and not niches. We welcome articles from all fields. We cherish diversity. But we do have a special inclination towards personal essays—they simply connect the most.

I simply get down to edit whatever drafts and stories MUSERS send in after coming from school. Sometimes before going to school, too. Depends on how early I wake up.

With some Lo-Fi music playlist playing in the background, it’s just the best time of my day. Or any sad song playing on loop. (No reason as such. It’s just that I can focus a lot more.)

Currently playing:


Again, thank you.

Read some of the best stories from theMUSINGS here and for more, visit us.

If you want to get added as a writer…

You are always welcome to write for theMUSINGS. In order to contribute to the publication, you first need to get added as a writer.

Just fill out this form (attached below) and I’ll add you as a writer within 24 hours. That simple!

Hey, I am Google Form. Fill me!

Some resources for you guys

If you are new to Medium, this ongoing list will help you in understanding the basics.

9 stories
Picture of a woman taking some notes.

And before submitting an article, I will request you to read the following article.

A small effort from your side helps me a lot. Be it as little as formatting your title and subtitle correctly or running a spell check for catching typos. Find more such ways in the above article.

Okay bye. I’m going to school!



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: