17 Dic 2016 — Networks & distribution updates.

Silvia Lanfranchi
The New Publishing
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2017

From Silvia to Nuphap.

Dear Nuphap,
I love ❤ ❤ ❤ our #testpostcard print by Risograph printer machine in the Print Club of Torino!
I love the fluo colours!
I give some to my friends and are a big hit!
Our network it’s start thanks to postcard and our medium post share and Twitter.
Yes we open also Twitter profile in the same time with medium.
→ If you lost the link, here is it!
Last day i post some staff, but we need to decide better what is our topic on twitter!

I completely in love ❤ with the riso-graph print effect (the correct name is? Granulate) and the “wrong” and mistake effect that the machine decide.
Here a link of mood board from my pinterest!

Just arrived yesterday a super book that i bought some week ago!

Photo from official website of Vetro Editions

Risomania: the new sprint of printing risograph!
By Vetro Editions
The version is in French but isn’t a problem from my side.

Binding Suggestion
I worked with Sebastiano founder of Libri Finti Clandestini a false collective specializing in binding.
I ask to him if can help us in binding things!

I like our project also for the network that we can construction!
When i share our medium, some friends tag other friends and last day i talked with very inspiring people.

One of this is Valerio Nicoletti, he studied at ISIA of Urbino and writed a thesis about publishing. He is also founder of Kaspar Hauser and Athanor.
He is super nice and send to us his thesis “Amateur: Pratiche indipendenti tra archiviazione digitale e publishing”.

We are finally starting to create our network!

Some days ago we send our first newsletter to our relational friend and tutor.
After our promotional and test postcard, the idea is to send by physical mail to the people that subscribe something.

This the content of the mail:

Dear Relational Friends,

How are you!?

As you might have notice, we (Nuphap and Silvia) has been developing a joint thesis/project on realizing a new publishing house. > The new publishing house 2.0.

It is an experiment on various things, from production to distribution of books, to redefine a publishing house that can exist in parallel to a current evolving digital era.

Here, we’ve also documented our process and progress on several social channels (mainly on medium).

The main reason is to document our process, which is the most important part of doing a thesis. It is also to develop our project in a open and transparent way: where anyone could (virtually or not) give suggestions / comments / feedback to take the project further, taking advantage of opportunities offered by the new social media.

If you are interested, it would be great if you’d like to follow / suggest / comment / share our progress on these social channel:

Medium >> https://medium.com/thenewpublishing
Twitter >> https://twitter.com/new_publishing

Also, if you’re even more interested, please leave us your contacts by clicking on the link below. Because pretty soon … we will sure send you something quite special!

>> Subscribe here

Super big thanks!

Nuphap and Silvia

ϟ p.s. The project name is also in development. Stay tuned for further info! (or if prefer, you can also give suggestions!)

Now have 13 persons subscribed! 🎉
What they win? Let’s see together what is better to give their!
Maybe our next test, should be great if we print and try to send!
Need to thinking also a packaging to put inside our things to send.

Maybe now we can start to think what is the best way to
expand our network and what is our target!

Our Target

Our ideal target is a person that like special editions, experimental printing technique and likes to touch special paper. Our target is also digital and like to find a link from digital to analogic.
What do you think?


I prepared a little presentation for our next meeting with Stefano that talking about a different type of sell that we are interested in:

/ Hand by Hand

We can research a specific library that sell special edition and independent publishing and go phisically to give our books.
We can sell without ISBN code, but in this case the problem should be a management of our stock copies!
If we have a limited production this way can work!
It’s good for promotion, because we know personally the bookshops, people and other publisher.

/ Crowd funding

I research a best platform with publishing category.
- Kickstarter
- Produzioni dal basso
- Unbound
- Crowdbooks
- Inkshares
- Indiegogo
- Bookbaby
- Lulu
- Eppela
- Ulule

If we want to have a Crowdfunding project we need to have clear our topic and our business plan before that we start!
Doing also a video and choose a reward, open social channel and starting with a big promotion and online advertising.
Prepare and send reward, but also need to thinking that we don’t arrive at the sucessfull project the way for don’t lost the money that the people give to us, we need to have cover the rest of the price project, so maybe doesn’t work for us at the moment!

/ Network of printer

We are interested in Riso so maybe is cool if we try to create a Riso Printer Network!
Maybe we can start with designing our open books collection archive with a specific layout only for Riso Print Method. Share and sell with the network and the Printer become a special seller and distributor point. We can start a collaboration with other printers and designers, collaboration with free archives online for genereted the content.
The special things is create a limited edition books in each Riso Printer because each one have different color, paper and experience.

There is two “riso-network” interesting:
- risotto
- rrrrriso
Benchmark: Open Desk

/ Pop up shop

When i was in Lisbon i find this guy with a special van.
> https://www.facebook.com/tellastory.pt/

He sell only portuguese and selected story every day in a different place of the city.
The Pop up shop allows us to doing a promotional and temporary sell in a specific place and starting to have collaboration with printer/library/brand.
This case have limited time, limited number of book. Maybe works for a lanch an edition!
We need to create a cool social comunication but don’t know how many people maybe want to come to our event, so maybe it’s a problem!

/ Sell by Social Media

Maybe it’s cool if we find a way to sell by social media!
Now the social media is a “place” where you can more people in a faster time, so our hypotetical distribution can grow fast.
I wanna to research more in this way maybe, because now it’s general!

Now it’s time to go to sleep!
See you soon before the christmas time!

Silvia :)

