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(302): Are We Really a Nation Full of Nazis? Or Is That Just Hype?
Betta Tryptophan

Time to break the cycle of doubt and fear

One of the responses to this showed up in my feed (S Lynn Knight) and I tried to ignore it but it was too good, as in accurate, for me to rest easy tonight without recognizing that accuracy (thank you). Of course then I reread the original article and all…

Just A Friendly Reminder That The Establishment Is Terrified Of Tulsi Gabbard
Caitlin Johnstone

This is making me very nervous. Tulsi Gabbard happens to be my representative and is very impressive but she is young and the collapsing establishment throughout the post-industrial world is struggling to hold on to power. They are losing control and have allowed the creation of monsters such as Trump, Le Pen (father and daughter) and others. The…