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The PRIDEnet Blog
Information, Updates, and Voices from PRIDEnet and The PRIDE Study
Note from the editor

PRIDEnet is a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to involving LGBTQ people in all stages of health research. This includes helping to create research questions, as well as analyzing, and disseminating results from our projects, such as The PRIDE Study. We are a patient powered research network (PPRN) funded by PCORI and staffed by Carolyn Hunt, Micah Lubensky, and Dennis Xiong. We build on decades of work by political activists, health advocates, service providers, and researchers to improve the health and well-being of LGBTQ communities. We are one link in a very long chain and we’re happy you found us. Our goals for The PRIDEnet Blog are: 1. To inform readers about our work; 2. To educate readers about LGBTQ health; 3. To motivate readers to join our projects; 4. To solicit live input into our projects at key points in development; and 5. To improve our projects. Thank you for visiting us here.

Go to the profile of The PRIDE Study