Promotional image for TSR Games.

Cardboard Hollywood

WotC Should Buy ‘TSR’ Before They Tank the D&D Movie

Sometimes bad press is bad press…trademarks are a bitch

The Ugly Monster
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2021


A year or two ago I went looking for an absolutely ancient nerd game called The Hunt. It’s basically Crash TV as a board game. When I found it I was shocked to learn it was reprinted by a company calling itself TSR. I was further shocked to learn that this new TSR had also made a new edition of Top Secret. Later I found out that THIS TSR had little to do with the original publisher of D&D, and that the new Top Secret had little to do with that classic espionage RPG.

The current TSR logo.

The name “TSR” entered the gaming news again a few weeks back. ANOTHER company had snagged the trademark and was positioning itself as the second coming of Gygaxian gaming. The more traditional RPG players online hailed it as a return to “real” roleplaying.

Around the same time Ernie Gygax, son of TSR’s founder, gave a provocative interview on YouTube. In it he aired out dirty laundry about Lorraine Williams, the original TSR’s general manager. He also compared Wizards of the Coast’s acquisition of TSR to Native American tribes…



The Ugly Monster

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.