In the year of our Lord 2018, if you are not rallying for at least one marginalized group…
In 2014, Hannibal Buress reminded and shed light on the fact that not only was Bill Cosby a known serial rapist, but he had multiple accusations against him. This started a serious of fortunate events that lead to the toppling of a…
Earlier this year, I was potentially going to be in a situation where someone who previously assaulted me was going to do it…
If you met me before July 2015 and after August 2017, you probably know of me as a bubbly, cheery person. I have a close friend who calls me “Tigger” because of my energy; I like to be happy, I like to spread warmth, and I like to laugh. I had a really rough 2 years and had anhedonia; nothing made me…
Most of my close friends know that I love music and that I love dope music and I love sharing aforementioned dope music. I fancy myself a great potential DJ, however I sometimes [often] lack discipline and I cannot blend songs well. Seriously, I can’t. I tried to learn how to DJ and each…
I’ve had 30 revolutions around the sun; I’m grateful for the experiences that was my twenties. My twenties were messy, terrible, beautiful, exciting, and memorable. I moved to a new city, I applied to med school on faith and got it. I went natural and cut my hair off. I made amazing friends and met…
True Life: I’ve been an anime nerd before it was acceptable to be an anime nerd. My first anime was Vampire Hunter D, followed by Project A-ko; I was five, creeping on the Sci-Fi channel. Sailor Moon is my absolute favorite, it developed my personal belief system and how I view the…
[gallery ids=”695,694,693,690,691,692,697" type=”rectangular”]because the world is beautiful.
For as long as I can remember, empathy and genuine human connection have been focal points in my life. I’m a brutally soft woman and I believe [or at least want to believe] that the world is a beautiful place. Empathy and genuine human connection cannot…