Go to designtrack
The School of Design offers an art school education without the art school price tag. Our focus is Digital Product Design and everything that feeds into that: UX +/ UI; Design Strategy; North Stars; Branding and Marketing.
Note from the editor

There’s a wealth of information on the web, but how do you separate the signal from the noise? I’ve taught at Belfast School of Art for 15+ years and in that time I’ve had the pleasure of teaching many, many talented designers. I’ve helped each and every one of my students to carve their own, unique path forwards in design. With designtrack I’m hoping to widen the reach of my teaching materials so that anyone with a passion for UX, UI and design can learn. I hope you find the material here useful. —Christopher

Go to the profile of Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy
A designer, writer and speaker. I’m an educator, but I’m still on my own learning journey. Design × Business × Life
Go to the profile of Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy
A designer, writer and speaker. I’m an educator, but I’m still on my own learning journey. Design × Business × Life