Telos becomes influential among natural food consumers

With daily consumers tracing cider from orchard to point of sale, and thousands of cider bottles widely available across grocery stores, bars, restaurants, and convenience stores in Spain, it’s never been easier to verify food origin and its authenticity

The Teloscope
4 min readMar 22, 2021


At the end of 2019 we announced this project aimed at the cider industry, and more specifically at the production of cider protected by the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). One year on and despite the difficulties arising from the pandemic situation, it is a success story with real-world application.

PDO cider sold at stores

Consumers can find PDO cider with provenance certified by the Regulatory Board of PDO Sidra de Asturias, and registered on Telos public blockchain, throughout hundreds of grocery stores of all sizes, from large food chains to small local retailers.

Alimerka, one of the biggest grocery store chains in Northern Spain, sells Telos-registered provenance PDO cider in three regions of Spain: Asturias, Castilla y León and Galicia, where customers can buy this cider at any of the 173 stores available.

Telos-registered cider placed at eye level in one of Alimerka’s stores

Even if you don’t have a bottle of cider on hand, you can try scanning the QR code that appears on one of the pics above and enter the number of the label (Q1137224) to get the history of the cider from the orchard to the store.

Excerpt of the trace displayed in the mobile application

Carrefour is a French group, and a leading global retailer that has 12,225 stores in over 30 countries. In Spain, Carrefour has 1,280 points of sale, second only to France in Europe. Of these, 205 are hypermarkets and 1,075 are supermarkets and convenience stores. In many of these stores, as well as in the online shop, cider lovers can buy bottles of Sidra Menéndez DOP Eco, one of Telos-registered provenance PDO cider brands.

One of the cider brands of Telos-registered provenance available for purchase at Carrefour online shop

Grupo Coalla, a company that specialises in the wholesale and retail of gourmet food products, wines and accessories, also sells PDO cider of certified provenance registered on Telos. Currently there are three Coalla Gourmet stores located in the largest cities of Asturias: Oviedo and Gijón, and a fourth store in the capital of Spain, Madrid.

Outside and interior of one of the Coalla Gourmet stores where you can purchase Telos-registered cider

Coalla Group also offers its wide range of products through its own online shop to consumers in Europe and in the United States.

One of the cider brands of Telos-registered provenance available for purchase at Coalla online shop

PDO cider served at cider bars and restaurants

The Telos-registered provenance PDO cider brands are consumed in more than 50 cider bars -known as sidrerías- and restaurants throughout Asturias, and some more outside the region. The sidrería is usually divided into a dining room and a bar.

For Asturians cider is not just a drink, it’s a whole culture! People come together to drink cider, eat delicious food and have a good time, but cider doesn’t necessarily have to accompany food.

El Mallu has three cider bars and restaurants in Gijón, the biggest city in Asturias, and one more in Avilés. The cider bars usually offer several brands of cider to satisfy the different palates -and budgets- of cider drinkers. And at El Mallu you can always ask for a bottle of Val d´Ornon.

People tasting cider and eating traditional dishes at one cider bar & restaurant of El Mallu

Asturian cider is the only one that’s poured from a height. The art lies of course in mastering to pour the cider from that height in your glass. Throughout the year, cider-pouring competitions are held as part of some local festivals and some waiters from El Mallu have won these competitions on several occasions.

Above: scanning the QR code on the back of a Val d´Boides PDO cider bottle. Below: a waiter pouring Asturian cider from a height for people outside a cider bar.

As we can easily see, Telos technology has a real impact on people’s lives, making it easier for them to trust what they consume.

It’s starting to go viral, thanks to funny memes like this one!

