Updating our flagship Telos real world use case

The Teloscope
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2022

Our flagship Telos blockchain-based application, SidraDOP, which serves real-world businesses, will soon get two new exciting features that will improve user experience while engaging younger audiences.

On the one hand, it will be easier for any user to query the traceability of the bottle of cider: simply by pointing the camera of their mobile phone to the quality seal sticked onto the bottle. Previously, the user had to type a printed code, but with the new added OCR functionality that step becomes optional.

From the camera icon the user can now capture the cider quality seal code.

On the other hand, we acknowledge that new generations are going nuts with the NFT and metaverse trend, so with help of our colleagues at Immersive Technology department, we made possible to access the trace query from Inmersidra virtual world.

Within the metaverse, the user can pick up a virtual tablet to query the trace of a virtual bottle that exists in the real world.

These two features are in their final testing phase, and a small group of users are helping us to fine-tune them. Soon they will make it to the application in production for all to enjoy.

Finally, this coming year more companies will adopt our system, expecting to double from the current 5 cideries, which will account for a major volume of the entire local cider market due to the importance of these companies within the industry.

This article has been produced by members of The Teloscope team. You can also check previous articles from The Teloscope.

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