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The Ugly Monster
The Ugly Monster
Movies | TV | Gaming | Comics | News Media | Music | Other Indecent Pursuits
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Writing | Television

‘The Bear’ Season 2: From an Act of Violence Can Arise a Great Act of Compassion

Writing | Art | Movies

‘The Last Jedi’ and “Logical” Art Critics

There is a certain…


Comic Book Haiku — Thundercats #1

Thundercats ripped off Superman AND…

Profile of a lizard with a blue body and red head

Worldbuilding | Fantasy | Writing

How I Developed My Lizard People

Hand scooping gold coins

Roleplaying Games

Greed is a Bad Flaw for Heroes in Tabletop Roleplaying Games

“The Tartaro” from A Folklore Bestiary, a one-eyed giant shining light from its eye toward a bird

Art | Writing | Roleplaying Games

Creating Monsters: The Three Ingredients of Great Bestiaries

noir-style photograph of a figure descending a staircase

Mystery | Dungeons & Dragons

The Art of Mystery in RPGs

Five principles for better…

A painting of Sadler’s Wells Theatre

Writing | Television

Worlds Live Between Story and Genre

How audiences suspend their…

Writing | Roleplaying Games

The One Hard Rule for Creating Good RPG Characters