App Development Inspiration

Application Product Development Design Inspiration

✨ They Make Design ✨
22 min readNov 20, 2019


Last Updated: February 21, 2024

Mobile app design orchestrates the user’s journey through intuitive layouts and engaging interfaces.

It adheres to key parameters: usability, aesthetics, and functionality, shaping interactions into seamless experiences. Dive into our curated gallery, a testament to meticulous design scrutiny, showcasing apps that embody these principles in every swipe and tap.

As app design reviewers, we’ve collect some cool works from UI/UX designers and app design agencies about mobile app UI design to keep you inspired 🤘🏻

Smart Home App

👨‍🎨 Imran Hossen
👥 Orizon: UI/UX Design Agency

smart home app

The app’s design strikes a balance between elegance and functionality, with a crisp, dark color scheme that accentuates the vibrant, dynamic elements, ensuring a clear hierarchy of information.

Notably, the central temperature control is a standout feature, providing a bold, interactive focal point.

The consistent visual language across controls and information displays achieves an intuitive and cohesive user experience.

Private banking UI design

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈
👥 Milkinside

This financial app’s design exudes clarity and focus, with a clean, airy interface that makes the user’s balance the hero of the page.

The high-contrast, green call-to-action button is smartly positioned for engagement, while the crisp chart below offers at-a-glance market insights.

It’s a study in minimalist design that prioritizes content and functionality, ensuring that key financial information is front and center.

Medicine Reminder App

👨‍🎨 Farrel Paperpillar
👥 Paperpillar

medicine reminder app

The app’s design captivates with its warm, welcoming color palette, fostering an inviting user environment.

The rounded corners of the elements coupled with soft shadows give a friendly and approachable feel, while the clear typography and spaced layout enhance readability and ease of use.

It’s a thoughtful design that prioritizes comfort and clarity, ensuring users find navigating their health schedule both pleasant and intuitive.

Empty State UI

👨‍🎨 DStudio®

The design employs vibrant, gradient-filled illustrations to transform typically mundane error and status messages into a visually engaging experience.

Each screen is clean and uncluttered, with a playful use of color and shape that adds personality and eases the frustration of errors.

This approach not only elevates the aesthetic but also creates a more positive interaction with the app, turning potential points of user friction into moments of delight.

Finance Mobile app

👨‍🎨 Mostafa T.
👥 RonDesignLab

finance mobile app

The app design presents a clean, minimalist approach with a strong focus on usability and visual hierarchy.

The interface uses ample white space and a neutral color palette, which directs attention to key elements like account balances and transaction buttons, enhancing their accessibility.

A standout feature is the card-like layout that compartmentalizes information, making financial management both straightforward and visually appealing.

Cryptocurrency Wallet App

👨‍🎨 Alwi Hesa

cryptocurrency wallet app

The app design dazzles with a futuristic, gradient-heavy theme that pairs a deep purple palette with neon highlights, creating a striking visual impact.

The sleek graphs provide at-a-glance financial insights, while the bold, readable typography ensures key figures stand out against the dynamic background.

It’s a visually rich interface that balances aesthetic allure with functional clarity, tailored for the modern finance-savvy user.

✅ Done! — Goals App

👨‍🎨 Fintory

goals app

The app’s goal-tracking interface uses a bold color-coded system for easy identification, with a clear, readable font that maintains legibility against the vibrant backgrounds.

The progress indicators are minimalist yet informative, providing a quick visual summary of goal completion status.

It’s a straightforward, user-centric design that efficiently communicates progress within a visually stimulating and organized framework.

BlockFi App Redesign

👨‍🎨 Phil Goodwin ◒
👥 unfold

app redesign

The cryptocurrency app design radiates with a deep, cosmic color palette, enhancing the futuristic vibe suitable for the financial tech space.

Key financial statistics are front and center with a vibrant, animated graph that captures attention, while clearly defined action buttons for deposits, trades, and withdrawals anchor the user experience with practicality.

Overall, it’s a visually cohesive and user-friendly interface that marries the complexity of crypto finance with clear, engaging visuals.

Task Manager App Design

👨‍🎨 Ghulam Rasool 🚀
👥 Upnow Studio

task manager app design

The task management app design is an inviting blend of form and function, employing a soothing purple color scheme that suggests creativity and calm.

The fluidity of curves and waves in the graphic elements brings a dynamic yet relaxed visual flow, echoing the app’s purpose to streamline task management.

Key features are accented with pops of contrasting colors, drawing the eye naturally to important actions, making the experience not just visually pleasing but intuitively navigable.

SQUY — Map App Concept

👨‍🎨 Regi Pangestu
👥 Enver Studio

map app concept

The navigation app showcases a serene and clean design with a harmonious blue and white color scheme that instills a sense of calm and order.

The interface is user-friendly with a conversational prompt that personalizes the experience, and the map feature utilizes a clear, minimalist 3D design that makes route visualization intuitive.

The decision to highlight key route details like distance and estimated time in a persistent footer ensures essential information is always at hand.

Kohaku Bot — Dark mode — Mobile App

👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

bot mobile app dark mode design

The chatbot interface employs a sleek, dark mode aesthetic that’s both modern and easy on the eyes, reducing glare and focusing the user’s attention on the conversational UI elements.

The bot’s anthropomorphic avatar adds a layer of interactivity and personality, making the user experience feel more engaging and personable.

Subtle gradients and a judicious use of color highlights against the dark background ensure that the interface is not only visually appealing but also intuitive for users to navigate.

VPN Mobile App

👨‍🎨 Jeehom

vpn mobile app

The VPN app’s interface is marked by a striking contrast between the vibrant, central toggle button and the deep, dark background, making the activation feature immediately apparent and accessible.

The choice of a dark theme not only underscores the privacy aspect of the app but also allows for the network speed and status indicators to shine through with clarity.

Additionally, the organized presentation of nodes with flag icons aids in quick recognition and selection, enhancing the overall user experience by combining visual appeal with functional simplicity.

Smarthome App Exploration

👨‍🎨 Ghani Pradita
👥 Paperpillar

smartphone app exploration

The smart home app design boasts a warm, inviting color palette on the left, which contrasts well with the clean, muted tones on the right, reflecting the transition from warm to cool settings in an air conditioning context.

The interface is intuitive, with recognizable icons for quick navigation and a prominent temperature display that’s both informative and visually central.

This design cleverly uses color and layout to convey the app’s functionality, ensuring a user-friendly experience that’s as aesthetic as it is practical.

Smart Home app onboarding

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

smart home app onboarding

This app design utilizes a soft, pastel color palette to evoke a sense of calm and order, aligning with the app’s themes of control and creativity in home management.

The use of abstract, geometric artwork serves as both a visual treat and a metaphor for the harmonious integration of technology in daily life.

The clean typography and swipe prompts provide a clear, easy-to-follow narrative within the app, inviting users to interact and explore further.

Weather App

👨‍🎨 Vitaliy Dorozhko

weather app

The weather app design shines with its bold use of color and lively animated icons, which provide an immediate, at-a-glance understanding of the weather conditions.

The typography is clear and legible, with a hierarchical structure that smartly prioritizes the current temperature and condition.

Its interface is a blend of visual delight and practicality, with a well-organized layout that makes accessing weather forecasts both simple and engaging.

Home Rent App

👨‍🎨 Arya Wijaya Kusuma
👥 Plainthing Studio

home rent app

The real estate app presents a crisp, modern aesthetic with high-quality images that take center stage, complemented by a clean, muted color palette that does not compete with the visuals.

Navigation is intuitive, with key information such as price and room details clearly delineated, and interactive tags in the interior view create an immersive experience.

This design effectively marries functionality with a sophisticated look, making property exploration both efficient and visually pleasing.

UI Application Elements — Light

👨‍🎨 Filip Legierski
👥 Riotters

UI Application Elements

The productivity app design offers a refreshing and airy interface with a soft color palette that fosters a tranquil workspace environment.

The design’s strength lies in its organized layout, with card-style components that neatly compartmentalize information, making it easy to digest at a glance.

Subtle shadows and rounded corners add a touch of depth and modernity, enhancing the user experience with a clean, friendly, and engaging interface.

Crypter Application Components

👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

crypto application

This interface flaunts a vibrant, layered design that exudes a sense of depth and dynamism, with a playful use of shadows and overlapping elements that draw the eye through various levels of content.

The bold use of contrast, with both light and dark modes, caters to user preference while maintaining readability and focus on interactive elements.

It’s a lively and engaging interface that brings an element of fun to the user experience without sacrificing clarity or functionality.

Ticket Booking App

👨‍🎨 Bogdan Nikitin

ticket booking app

The travel app design captivates with its soft color palette and sophisticated isometric graphics, which combine to create a visually stunning and inviting user experience.

The interface smartly balances aesthetic appeal with functionality, featuring an intuitive map for destination browsing and a detailed, easy-to-read boarding pass.

This user-centric design not only pleases the eye but also streamlines the travel planning and management process.

Natural mobile application notification center

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

mobile application notifications

The package tracking app presents an exceptionally clean and organized interface, with a crisp white background that accentuates the color-coded status updates for immediate visual recognition.

The interactive map feature provides a clear, real-time visual representation of the package’s journey, enhancing the user’s tracking experience.

Overall, the design is streamlined and user-friendly, focusing on delivering essential information with simplicity and elegance.

Stock trading application UI

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

stock trading mobile app

The finance app design exudes a sleek, high-tech feel with its dark theme and luminous, animated stock chart, which not only looks striking but also provides clear visibility of market trends.

The bold, bright typography against the dark background ensures easy readability of key financial data, and the minimalistic design of the interface elements keeps the user’s focus on the most important information.

This design effectively combines aesthetic appeal with practical functionality, creating an immersive and user-friendly experience.

File Manager Mobile App

👨‍🎨 Rakib Kowshar

file manager mobile app

The file management app employs a playful and vibrant color scheme that injects liveliness into the functional task of file organization.

Use of friendly illustrations and rounded icons not only adds a touch of whimsy but also helps to create a more approachable user interface.

Clear categorization of file types along with visual storage indicators provides an at-a-glance understanding of space utilization, marrying aesthetic charm with practical usability.


👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

trading app graphics

The stock tracking app exudes sophistication with its dark theme and vibrant, particle-style visualization, which not only captures attention but also signifies data movement in a visually engaging way.

The interface is sleek, with a clear hierarchy that places the most vital metrics upfront, emphasized by bright color accents against the dark background for high readability.

This design is both visually arresting and functionally intuitive, encapsulating a futuristic approach to data presentation.


👨‍🎨 Sajon
👥 Orix Agency

skate app design

The e-commerce app design is refreshing and airy, with a soft color palette that puts the spotlight on the product.

Smooth, rounded corners of the layout elements complement the product’s design, reinforcing the brand’s modern aesthetic.

There’s a balance between visual appeal and informative content, with engaging product images, clear pricing, rating displays, and succinct feature highlights that provide a seamless shopping experience.


👨‍🎨 Offriginal
👥 Orizon: UI/UX Design Agency

charger app design concept

The vehicle app design exudes a futuristic aesthetic with its neon glow and dark theme that suggests a high-tech environment, perfect for an electric vehicle interface.

Central gauge is not just visually striking but provides a clear, engaging display of the vehicle’s battery status and other critical metrics.

Overall design is slick and coherent, with data visualization that is both informative and artistically appealing, enhancing the user’s interaction with the vehicle’s advanced features.


👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

dark mobile app design

The app design presents a sleek and contemporary look with vibrant, saturated colors that give it a dynamic and modern edge, suitable for a platform dealing with cutting-edge technologies like NFTs.

The blurred background behind the card-like elements not only adds depth to the layout but also ensures that the information on the cards remains the focal point.

This design choice, along with the bold typography and clear value indicators, creates a user interface that is both visually stimulating and easy to navigate.


👨‍🎨 Rakib Kowshar

wallet app design

The banking app design utilizes a dark theme, creating a sophisticated and modern feel that’s easy on the eyes, particularly in low-light environments.

Сontrasting colors for financial highlights, such as the total balance and expense graphs, are not only visually striking but also facilitate quick user comprehension.

Ыmooth, rounded corners of the cards and buttons add a contemporary touch, while the clear delineation of sections like transactions and history make for an organized and efficient user experience.


👨‍🎨 Mikołaj Gałęziowski 🌵

glassmorphism app onboarding

App screens utilize a striking ultraviolet color scheme that gives the design a vibrant and energetic feel, suitable for modern and innovative apps.

Floating geometric shapes and the card elements with subtle shadows create a sense of depth, making the interface appear almost three-dimensional.

This design is not only visually intriguing but also facilitates a clear distinction between different sections and calls to action, ensuring an engaging and navigable user experience.


👨‍🎨 Manoj Rajput

👥 MindInventory

kids mobile application

The educational app design is warm and welcoming, utilizing a pastel color palette and playful illustrations that are perfectly tailored to its young audience.

The interface is simple and intuitive, with large, colorful icons and friendly typography that make navigation easy for children.

It effectively combines charming visuals with a clear, accessible layout to create an engaging learning environment.


👨‍🎨 Rakib Kowshar

online education app

The e-learning app design boasts a bright and engaging color palette that energizes the educational content.

The interface is clean, with prominent, well-organized course cards and discount tags that immediately grab attention, encouraging exploration and enrollment.

The use of playful icons and illustrations throughout the design adds a friendly touch, making the app not only visually attractive but also inviting for learners of all ages.


👨‍🎨 Michael

crypto investment wallet

The finance app design uses a soft purple and blue color palette, conveying a sense of financial sophistication and trust.

Сlean interface features well-organized financial information, with a prominent balance display and an intuitive investment performance graph.

It strikes a balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality, offering users a clear and calming visual representation of their financial status.


👨‍🎨 Denys Lazutkin
👥 Readdle

smart home app design

The design presents a kaleidoscope of pastel hues that give the app a playful and inviting character, which is quite refreshing for utility apps like VPNs and web browsers.

Еranslucent background elements and floating action buttons add a layer of depth and modernity, creating an almost ethereal feel.

This interface cleverly balances the need for easy accessibility with the desire for a visually appealing experience, ensuring that the user’s journey is both intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.


👨‍🎨 musho
👥 Ramotion

around mobile alpha version

The app design features a bold and minimalist approach, utilizing a strong contrast of vibrant shapes against a dark background that immediately draws the eye.

“Get Started” button is prominently placed for ease of access, and the overall layout is uncluttered, highlighting the essential features without unnecessary distractions.

This design encapsulates a modern and user-friendly experience with its strong visual hierarchy and focused call-to-action.


👨‍🎨 HUA

phone clean app

The storage management app design uses a colorful and clean interface that enhances user engagement and comprehension.

The visual hierarchy is well-defined, with bold, circular progress bars and clear categorizations of storage data that make it easy to understand at a glance.

Its use of gradient backgrounds and playful icons adds a friendly and approachable aspect to the otherwise utilitarian task of cleaning and managing storage space.


👨‍🎨 Andrei Simion
👥 Orizon: UI/UX Design Agency

neuomorhism hydration app

The hydration tracker app employs a fluid, organic design with a harmonious blue and white color scheme that visually reinforces the app’s purpose.

Central gauge for tracking water intake is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, and the app uses engaging water-related animations and graphics to enhance the user interaction.

With its clean, rounded lines and intuitive interface, the app design successfully merges the concept of hydration with a visually relaxing user experience.


👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

planner homescreen ui application

The task management app design employs a clean and airy aesthetic with a soft color palette that promotes focus and calmness.

The card-based task presentation with subtle shadows gives a sense of depth, enhancing the organization of information.

Additionally, the minimalistic approach, with clear typography and generous white space, supports a user-friendly experience that emphasizes clarity and ease of use.


👨‍🎨 Rizal Gradianto
👥 Vektora

statue online store

The e-commerce app showcases an elegant and sophisticated design with a monochromatic color scheme that highlights the products, in this case, classical busts.

Use of dark mode not only accentuates the statues but also makes the interface easy on the eyes, which can enhance user engagement.

The clear and prominent call-to-action buttons, combined with the interactive 3D view feature, offer a seamless and immersive shopping experience.

Augmented Reality Credit Card by Vladimir Kurbatov

In this shot author makes it one step further and explores interactions in context. He thought that by using a card the user could get feedback quicker on an experience with less UI, but also have some real world constraints like weight or size of interface components which can be challenging when you’re designing something digital only. And so his goal was not just about exploring interaction design for this project, but how those concepts might work out as physical products too — even if they are prototypes!

VR Registration Prototype by Pavel Tsenev

Designing for VR is a new challenge, but one that has incredible opportunities. In this video, you’ll learn about some of the design considerations I had to address in creating an app prototype for VR registration.

The input text can make VR registration much easier by minimizing the need to type in a clunky virtual keyboard.

Rather than typing, users are directed towards signing into their account via buttons with high contrast and placed first on the UI interface.

The full 360 environment provides an excellent opportunity for showing this sign-in button as well if you happen to notice it while browsing other screens of your new home space!

Client Onboarding Process Screens Animations by Volodymyr

Mobile app design is one of the most important aspects when it comes to an application. This video explains how to create a mobile app’s onboarding process screens and animations in order to make your application stand out from other apps on the market.

Banking mobile application by Alexey Semenov

The purpose of this video is to provide a design inspiration for banking mobile application animations. A lot of designs are very similar and you can find that it becomes difficult to create an original design when starting out.

As such, we have gathered some sample videos which might be helpful in your search for the right design style or animation type for your project!

Eye tracking Augmented Reality Dashboard by Maxim Gedrovitch

The future of app design is here and it’s incredible.

See how augmented reality and eye tracking gives you a very realistic idea of how your user interface will look on the device by looking at it from their perspective, all while experiencing that UI in an interactive environment with haptic technology!

Spotify Redesign Concept Moods Prototype by Lukas Stranak

The design of the music player is a mood-based platform where users can customize their experience. This prototype was designed to show how it might look and feel for the user, as well as what types of interactions are possible with this type of interface.

Author decided to give Spotify a slight redesign and UX update. To ease out the experience of finding the right playlist that fits users, they introduced moods! It’s simple; just tap on an emoji that represents your mood and Spotify will automatically generate playlists for you.

The Product Page Interaction by Yaroslav Zubko

This is a video about designing an app, but it’s not just any video. This is a design inspiration for you to learn from and enjoy watching.

How can you feel like your browsing an application before downloading it? author wanted to create a scrolling experience for visitors of his promo page that made them think they were actually exploring the app itself. Why not, if people are already using their phones and screens have the same ratio so why waste time on creating separate designs when we can use all those wonderful coincidences.

AMA Awards Mobile Application donating flow by Mingg

The studio is working to empower fans by providing them with the opportunity to cast their votes for their favorite artists and donate money so they can submit an entry in order win a celebrity experience as part of our new fundraising campaign.

Their unique model, which allows them work as both nonprofit and for-profit entity gives us more flexibility than most charities have when it comes to expanding services that enable humans from all walks of life come together under one roof through music.

Synapses motion mobile application by Einar Rish

Author made simple dashboards with bright colors so it’s not overwhelming but also effective at solving the problem in front of us.

The application should be young and modern incorporating unique features like color themes or easy switching between options because let’s face it life can get hectic sometimes.


👨‍🎨 Dimest

Interesting approach to animation of transition between screens. I can be a good solution for entertainment apps to make the user experience more enjoyable. However, I don’t think it is a good idea to make it in app other than entertainment.


The agency has been heavily focused on developing UI components if Swift and Kotlin on their Github account. I wish all team could share this much work open-source.


👨🏿‍💻 Ramotion

app development

Modern UI design of a scooter app with very clean UI elements and some visual accents of call-to-action buttons and other important elements on the screen. It is a good way to make a UI clean yet recognizable with some brand colors.


👨‍🎨 Lukáš Straňák

Interesting interface design concept of a file manager app. There are some interesting drag and drop features that iOS would learn from.


👨‍🎨 SaleFish

Funny AR concept of an app build around hot topics of these days. The 3d models look very nice and I hope one day apple devices would be capable enough to render this level of design quality created in this After Effects concept.


👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

Gleb definitely loves AI stuff and this concept is a great and inspiring example of a file manager UI that you can control using voice commands. I hope one day this will become a reality.


👨‍🎨 Jakub Nespor

Boosted boards are some of the most popular skate boards in San Francisco Bay Area. It is an awesome device and it requires a companion app that works perfectly well and help you stay active. I like this small piece of an app that represents the UI.

I am an app developer looking for inspiration. There are many reasons why app developers look for inspiration. It could be the inspiration needed to get started with their design. It could be the inspiration needed to finish the design they had started before. It could be the inspiration required to come up with an application idea or to develop it when you have an app idea. I was also looking for inspiration when I first started development in app making, but my search for it was not the best.

I used to look for inspiration in articles and apps that I liked. But I didn’t look at them as inspiration but as something to be copied. That was a very bad thing to do. And when you copy anything, you are not going to get good results. I was looking for inspiration to make money. The inspiration I was looking for was something that would be good for people who are making money from app creation.

Now my situation is much different. I am an app developer now and I don’t need anyone’s inspiration to make money anymore. Also, it is not important for me if everyone copies exactly what I do because as an app developer, you must have your original ideas in your design.

When you go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for apps that you feel inspired by, copy their design and do the same thing in your own designs. That will not help you to develop a great application and will also not increase awareness of yours when compared to theirs.

I have written this because I want to share with everyone how I got my inspiration. This is a story of my search for inspiration and how I used it later in my app design agency.

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is a website for discovering recipes, interior decorating, fashion, style and inspiration on anything. I have an account there and I am part of many communities in different interests. I looked at the “technology” and “technology company” boards. There were many users with great websites. There were many galleries of websites and mobile apps from big corporations and developers.

2. Dribbble

Dribbble is a website that you can visit to get inspiration and to get feedback on designs. The website is used by designers, developers and artists alike. I had an account on Dribbble and I am part of a few design groups. I looked at the “All tags” section and filtered out Mobile UI, App UI and Code in my search. I found some good ones but they were for other platforms. I found some great examples that used an iPhone app for iOS User interfaces.

3. Github Repos

Github is a very popular website that is used by developers to publish code and resources to help others to learn. I went to the web page for “apps”. I browsed through the app ideas and the categories that were in the section. I found a few projects that looked like they could be a great libraries for my app. I found some inspiration there too.

4. Hacker News

Hacker News is the place you go if you are a programmer. Hundreds of thousands of developers browse through this site every day. Every day I browse through the comments section under a category or a project there. There are new posts every day. I go there and read the comments on the apps and projects. Sometimes I come up with new design ideas after reading the comments.


Using the methods above helped me get inspiration as an app developer. I got a little inspiration from each of the different sources and I built on previous insights to come up with some great new ideas for my own apps. With so many places to get inspiration these days, you can get the ideas that you need quickly and easily.

This is a great way to get inspired as an app developer. Use other peoples ideas as a springboard for your own. You might just surprise yourself at what you can do with some great app ideas.

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✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.