Web Design Inspiration: Interactive & Marketing — vol. 245

Illuminate your imagination with a bright and fantastic collection of website designs. These visually stunning sites, brought to life by creative web design teams.

✨ They Make Design ✨
8 min readFeb 14, 2024


Tire Robot UX/UI design

👨‍🎨 Yana Peihanovich

The website employs a clean, minimalist design that puts the AI-powered search feature front and center, effectively highlighting the site’s unique selling proposition and facilitating interaction.

Prominent call-to-action (CTA) button “Ask Tire Robot” is well-positioned to drive conversions, directly engaging users to interact.

However, the value proposition could be enhanced by showcasing trust signals such as testimonials or security badges, which are not immediately visible but crucial for marketing efficacy.

Camping Website

👨‍🎨 Desire Creative Agency

Family Industries Awards

👨‍🎨 Constantin Calcatinge 🚀
👥 Vivid Motion®

The “Website of the Day” award showcased here, hints at a high level of design sophistication, implying a site rich in aesthetic and functional quality.

Dynamic, geometric presentation suggests a strong brand identity, which is essential for marketing purposes.

However, without direct insight into the actual interactivity and user engagement features, one can only infer that the website is likely to offer an innovative and interactive user experience, aligning with modern web design trends.

Daily UI 73. Virtual Reality

👨‍🎨 Yihsuan Lu

Website presents a sleek, modern design with a clear value proposition for VR rentals, effectively communicating its service through a minimalist aesthetic that prioritizes product imagery and straightforward navigation.

Prominent “Explore plans” call-to-action button is strategically placed for conversion optimization, while the labeling of new equipment adds a marketing edge by highlighting the latest offerings to encourage user interaction and potential upsell.

The bold typographic hierarchy and immersive imagery used in this website effectively capture the user’s attention, projecting the transformative experience of VR technology.

Interactive slider element, bridging ‘VIRTUAL’ and ‘REALITY’, is a clever interactive feature that likely enhances user engagement, while the concise tagline “Moving to a New Dimension” succinctly markets the core promise of the VR experience.

However, a clear call-to-action is not immediately apparent, which could be a missed opportunity for direct user engagement and conversion.

Website For Design Studio

👨‍🎨 Solar Web
👥 SOLAR Digital

This website’s design exudes a contemporary and high-contrast aesthetic that effectively showcases the studio’s creative prowess, particularly through the use of bold typography and striking, layered imagery that creates depth.

Dual CTA buttons “More” and “Get in touch” are well-positioned to funnel users towards engagement and conversion, while the visual carousel within the portfolio section serves as a dynamic marketing tool to display their work effectively.

Personalization aspect, indicated by the ‘Manager Emily Walker’ feature, adds a human touch that can foster trust and improve client relationships.

Nexus Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Lalit
👥 theosm™

Controlly — Smart Home- Website Animations

👨‍🎨 Vektora Animation
👥 Vektora

The website for Controlly exhibits a sleek and modern interface with a dark color scheme that underscores the technological sophistication of its smart home products.

“Start for Free” button is a prominent marketing call-to-action that, combined with high-quality product imagery and testimonials, effectively builds credibility and encourages user conversion.

Moreover, the inclusion of recognizable partner brand logos adds a layer of trust and authority, while the feature highlights like “Seamless Integration” and “Remote Accessibility” cater to user experience by succinctly conveying the product’s benefits.

power of nature

👨‍🎨 bn digital

The DooDoo juice website sports an earthy and organic aesthetic that effectively communicates the brand’s focus on natural and homegrown products.

Visual hierarchy, led by a bold and clear typeface, directs attention to the “Explore Tastes” call-to-action, which is strategically placed to encourage user interaction and product discovery.

Floating social media links provide a persistent invitation for user engagement, which is good for marketing reach, although the actual product could be more prominently featured for immediate understanding and impact.

VR Education Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Md Sahin Mia
👥 Pixelean — Ui/Ux Design Agency

The website’s vibrant purple palette and dynamic imagery immediately convey innovation and excitement, aligning well with the theme of virtual education.

Use of bold, contrasting typography serves to grab attention effectively, while the discount offer for course enrollment is a classic marketing tactic that’s likely to drive conversions.

Interactive elements, presumably embedded in the course selection process, appear to promise a user-friendly exploration of educational content, though the actual interactivity cannot be assessed from the image alone.

Marketing Agency Website: animation

👨‍🎨 Ronas IT | UI/UX Team

Cocktail — Layout exploration

👨‍🎨 Iván Willenberg

This design employs a vintage-inspired color scheme and typography that effectively evoke a sense of nostalgia, aligning perfectly with the historical content about cocktails.

Layout is reminiscent of a classic magazine spread, which, while aesthetically pleasing, may not directly translate to interactive elements typically seen in web design.

However, the rich storytelling approach and the sidebar with author and publication details add a layer of authenticity and trustworthiness, important for engaging users and encouraging them to explore the content further.

The website’s dramatic visual storytelling through atmospheric imagery captivates and sets the thematic tone for the Chernobyl narrative.

“Get the vibe” button is an intriguing call-to-action that promises an immersive experience, likely to engage visitors further.

Overlay of text boxes with a transparent background maintains focus on the imagery while still guiding the user through the content, a balance that enhances both aesthetics and usability, which are key for interactive storytelling and marketing engagement.

Creative Digital Agency Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Ofspace UX/UI

FinFly | Fintech Hero

👨‍🎨 Akshay Hooda

The FinFly website employs a minimalist design with a clean, uncluttered layout that clearly communicates its value proposition, “Money matters, Made Simple.”

Contrasting green call-to-action buttons “Demo” and “Join FinFly” are prominently displayed, inviting user engagement and facilitating a clear path towards conversion.

This straightforward approach, combined with the visual focus on the product — the personalized glass card — effectively markets the unique selling point while maintaining a sophisticated user interface.

The HUE agency

👨‍🎨 Valery Cheplygin

The HUE website’s bold use of a vibrant, full-spectrum color bar immediately grabs attention, symbolizing diversity and creativity, which can be a strong draw for a design-centric audience.

“DRAG ME” interactive prompt is an intriguing feature that suggests an interactive experience awaits, inviting user engagement right from the start.

The clear, concise messaging about revenue-boost solutions paired with a direct “MEET-HUE.COMPANY” call-to-action aligns well with marketing goals, promoting user conversion with a blend of visual appeal and simplicity.

Landing Promo page

👨‍🎨 Diana

The website for La Dala X uses a nature-infused typography as a central visual element, which creates a unique and memorable brand image that conveys growth and vibrancy.

Overlay of the graphic ‘X’ on the background provides a subtle yet effective branding cue, while the clean navigation bar allows for easy user flow, crucial for a positive user experience.

However, from a marketing standpoint, the website could benefit from more prominent calls-to-action and immediate access to event information or ticket purchasing options to capitalize on user interest and convert visits to sales.

Speaker Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Bogdan Nikitin
👥 Nixtio

The Jagax website utilizes a vibrant gradient background that draws the eye and modern, rounded typefaces that give the site a friendly yet professional feel.

High-contrast pricing strategy, displaying a slashed original price next to the sale price, is a classic and effective marketing technique to communicate value and encourage prompt purchasing decisions.

The user rating of 4.7 stars prominently displayed next to the product reinforces social proof, which is a powerful tool for building trust and influencing potential customers.

VEG // Website

👨‍🎨 BL/S®

The website design presents a bold and modern aesthetic with a strong visual hierarchy, effectively drawing attention to the product, the “VigilEye Guardian,” through a large, clear image and contrasting typography.

Interactive elements, such as the countdown timer and animated background, add a dynamic layer to the user experience, suggesting sophistication and high-tech prowess — crucial for marketing a security product.

Additionally, the clear call-to-action “Secure Your Tomorrow, Today” is well-placed, inviting immediate user engagement, which is excellent for conversion.

This website’s design immediately conveys its cutting-edge technology through the use of AI face recognition imagery that personifies the product’s capabilities, engaging users through visual demonstration.

Clear and concise presentation of key data points, like ‘99.83% accuracy’ and ‘10K+ company used,’ effectively markets the product’s reliability and widespread adoption.

Interactive elements, such as the ‘Request a demo’ button, are strategically placed to convert interest into action, demonstrating an understanding of user flow and marketing funnel optimization.



✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.