How I Use 5 Small Gestures To Show I Care

Love shown through tiny acts of kindness

Salinas Danielle
Think, Act [Repeat]
4 min readFeb 1, 2020


@tanrr via Twenty20

Keeping up with everyone in your life can feel like an impossible job. You want to connect but everyday you struggle with a long list of tasks to complete. By the time you’re done caring for your children, your home and trying to build a business from scratch you often lose sight of how to stay connected and show you care about the people that matter most in your life.

I’ve listed a few small gestures that I use to show the most important people in my life that I love them. They are simple to incorporate into your life and improve your relationships. It comes down to being alert to the needs of your loved ones despite the hustle of everyday life.

Love isn’t about grand gestures; it’s about the little things

Share your appreciation

I’m blessed to have a thoughtful partner. I try to always remember to slow down and say “thank you” and “I appreciate you” to my spouse. This small kindness not only fills his love tank, but it reminds me to be humble and thankful for my many blessings.

It’s so easy to complain and point out all the things that are wrong. It’s important to pause and take the time to show through your actions and your words how appreciative you are to have that person in your life.

Give an unexpected gift

When I found out I was having a baby, I didn’t realize the sheer volume of “baby stuff” I would need. I was fortunate enough to have friends and family give an outpouring of gifts. So much so, we could cover all the expenses I would’ve otherwise had to purchase myself.

I had such an abundance of baby essentials I blessed a friend of mine with an unexpected gift. She was pregnant with her second child and already had her baby shower. I sent her a care package of baby clothing and breast pumping supplies, a few things I knew she would need with a new baby soon to arrive. She was so appreciative of the gift because it was all the things she needed.

Most people expect to receive gifts for birthdays, holidays and special occasions but it’s a welcome surprise when you receive an unexpected gift or care package showing that someone is thinking of you.

Reconnect with an old friend

My social life came to a screeching halt when I had my baby. I’m grateful he’s such a big part of my life. But in forming the new love of my life, I become MIA to many of my friends.

Priorities change and you just don’t have the time to go out like I used to, but I’m determined to stay connected.

I made a “friends & family” list in my task manager app to help track when I would reach out to various friends and family members. My goal is to reach out to at least 3 people a week either with a call or a text. There’s so much happening in our lives when we’re not communicating.

While I’m going through this big life change circumstance, I don’t want to forget to keep the lines of communication open and check in with them. We may not connect as often as before, but I still want to be there to celebrate their successes and their loss.

Offer to help

My friends and family come to me with tech questions wanting to know how to do things online. It’s a great way for me to provide them with support to get what they need done quicker without the hassle or stress.

It makes a big difference, especially if they’ve been trying to do it themselves for a while and have been struggling to figure it out. I use my strengths and knowledge to get them a solution.

Be Present

Since transitioning to working from home, I spend a considerable amount of my day working online either on my computer or my phone. It’s difficult to switch out of work mode because I’m at home. I can work late into the evening to complete a project I’ve been working on.

I’ve been working on streamlining my workload and my work processes to shut down my work by 7 p.m. every evening. Some days are better than others. But my goal is to set stopping time to focus on my family and be present to experience all those loving moments.

Providing for my family is important, but I always have to keep my values and my priorities aligned. I can always make more money, but I can never re-experience special moments with my family.

It is important to find that balance for yourself. Find the dividing line where you will you say “No, I will protect this time for my family” and “I will dedicate this specific time to my business”. There’s no magic formula for find this balance, it’s just works best for you and your family.

These are some ways I show love, care, and support to the most important people in my life. I don’t even have to spend any money to do it. How can make a tiny gesture to help support your loved ones and make their lives just a little better every day?

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Salinas Danielle is a productivity and time management coach for a stay at home female entrepreneurs. She helps moms solve the challenge of balancing their energies between business, family & self-care.



Salinas Danielle
Think, Act [Repeat]

Productivity & Time Mgmt Warrior 🎯 l New Mom of 1👼 @herlifebalanced l Honest Edu for Female Solopreneurs