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in between words.
Note from the editor

Dear Readers and Writers: A very warm welcome to ThINK. We are open to submissions now. Here are a few pointers to help you : You can send your original works only. If the work is published on other social media then it is acceptable but please do not send us work already published on Medium You may send us articles on life, nature, philosophy, letters, love, relationships or anything that you may want to write about. Make sure you send us a .doc copy in 12 size font preferably Times New Roman. You may also send in your artworks, photographs or drawings. Send your submissions to thinkpublication@gmail.com We look forward to reading and sharing your works.

Go to the profile of Lubna Yusuf
Lubna Yusuf
BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna
Go to the profile of Think.
We are a Book Lover’s Collective.Poems, haiku, story, philosophy, letters, love and all your thoughts- Submissions at thinkpublication@gmail.com