My Entire Life is like the Script of David Lynch’s Eraserhead (GIFS)

Evan Guerra
This is Eternity
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2015

Fact is you can’t call yourself a true horror movie fan without ever having seen David Lynch’s Eraserhead.


Recently delving back into this disturing film I couldn’t help but notice certain similarities in character between Henry Spencer (Nance) and my own.

I enjoy social outings. I enjoy participating in public shows of community spirit. But I’m not as jovial as most men. Nor as egotistical. I’m a little lackluster.

I am Henry Spencer. And I’m not at all uncomfortable in saying that. Honesty is your best friend. We’re all a little boring.

How most men SWAG.

How I swag.

How most men party.

How I party.

How most men deal with the dreaded next-day hangover.

My hangovers.

Most men out on a date.

Me on a date.

How most men sleep at night.

How I sleep at night.

How most men celebrate their birthday.

Me celebrating my birthday.


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