Go to This is Lit!
This is Lit!
For book lovers and the like: here, we study not only works, but the authors behind them, why they wrote, why they left an impact, and how we can do the same.
Note from the editor

For book lovers and the like: here, we study not only works, but the authors behind them, why they wrote, why they left an impact, and how we can do the same.

Go to the profile of Owen Mantz
Owen Mantz
I'm a freelance copywriter, English Lit enthusiast, and voracious reader trying to make the world a better place by passing on my knowledge. (www.okmantzfw.com)
Go to the profile of Owen Mantz
Owen Mantz
I'm a freelance copywriter, English Lit enthusiast, and voracious reader trying to make the world a better place by passing on my knowledge. (www.okmantzfw.com)