Now We Go Big: This Is Nouns, The Road To Glory, E — 3

Jesse Morningstar
Published in
6 min readNov 7, 2023

In our last announcement I shared with you 3 key objectives that we aimed to achieve in the month of October as we accelerated our efforts towards the launch of KINGMAKER. I’m glad to tell you that we’ve made a lot of progress on those fronts, especially with artists, but we’ve also been hit by an absolute tsunami of expenses and financial obligations.

These extraordinary demands have required me to make many difficult choices while executing a couple of really challenging financial maneuvers that had me hanging on for dear life by the skin of my teeth.

This gigantic expenses came up suddenly and hit us from all sides while leaving us very little reaction time and absolutely no room for error or hesitation:

  • We are facing immediate costs on the compliance and legal front that rise to close to $300K,
  • We’re building KINGMAKER’S infrastructure in all its global glory to be able to deliver a good user experience that scales well,
  • We have to cover the costs of multiple security audits,
  • We’ve started the production of our launch advertisement and the structuring of our PR and communications operations,
  • All this in addition to rising operating costs as we’re scaling our efforts towards the launch.

This brings us easily at about $2.7 million in outstanding and immediate costs to cover on the short term. Back in May I shared with you our financial picture and at the time we were already spending close to $50K a month, and back then we were just getting warmed up. But now the costs are a little over double that ($100K or thereabouts), and they’re growing fast because we’re really going for it.

There’s a reason why you hear startups in the space raising tens of millions of dollars: growth is hard and building a product which has a fighting chance really takes a huge amount of resources.

On the competitive front everything we’ve been working on gives us full confidence that we can bring to market a highly attractive and very competitive offering. As things stand now, funding is the only variable when it comes to our success. And so it’s time for us to really focus on this crucial aspect of our success and growth.

There is no world class project without world class funding.

This is why we’ve been pouring our blood, sweat, and tears over the past 2 weeks to secure such sources of funding. And here’s where we are with that effort:

  1. We’ve secured a deal that will allow us to bring in $7,000,000 which will give us a strong financial foundation,
  2. We’ve shortlisted a set of 3 VCs who will be trusted partners and advisers who will open up to us their strategic network in the industry and bring in an additional $6,000,000 to boost the value of $KWAN while fostering our growth. We are currently doing our due diligence and I’ll publish a separate article to give you more information on this.

This capital injection of $13,000,000 will help us achieve the following objectives:

  • To boost our execution and build a scalable infrastructure that will perform well once we launch,
  • To achieve legal compliance and secure crucial competitive advantages,
  • To carry out a full battery of security audits and OPSEC/INFOSEC analyses,
  • To organize a strong marketing, PR, and communication operation to pave the way for the launch
  • To support strategic projects started internally by community members (filmmaking, professional development, etc.).
  • To begin to deliver results and concrete benefits to the community.

As I mentioned before by quoting Martin Luther King, all progress is extremely precarious: the challenge for us here is to survive through the 6 to 7 week transition period it will take us to finalize the terms of the investment deals and receive the capital in our treasury.

This means that we’ll have to get really creative and work together to take this project across the finish line. Here’s exactly how we’ll do it:


We’re taking the next step in the growth and success of our community by launching our governance protocol which will focus on commissioning artists to craft exquisitely well-produced NFT editions and collections and releasing them through a weakly auction.

Establishing a weekly auction for these editions and collections will allow us to reach our full stature as a DAO while setting a foundational stream of income that will foster our growth from this developmental stage to the next more fast-paced phase of our evolution.

If you know something about the world of investing or if you’ve watched Shark Tank you know that showing revenue always sets the stage for great deals. Investors love seeing revenue, and having this continuous sales process in place will help in that department.

But even more importantly, by commissioning and selling world class artwork through our governance mechanism we will build a rich network of artists which will grow into a crucial competitive advantage when we launch.

An article will be dedicated to sharing all the operational details about our governance protocol as well as how it’ll allow you to work side by side with your favorite artists to create distinguished NFT collections and editions that will sell like hot cakes when they are released through our weekly auction.


Currently, every person who contributes to the treasury receives a reward of 2 $KWAN for every dollar contributed. In addition to this reward, and for this special occasion, we are expanding our incentive system by giving a founder’s reward to anyone who directly contributes financially to the success of the community at this strategic hour of our greatest need.

I don’t know if you know this, but Nouns DAO rewards its founders by giving them free Nouns out of the Nouns produced by the protocol. This is the norm through the whole Nouns ecosystem. It’s time for us to get our own thing going, but bigger and sexier. Here’s how our own special NFT reward program will work:

👉 We are seeking a short-term cash injection of $12,550 to see us through this transition period until we seal all the investment deals that we’ve initiated:

👉 Any contribution of 0.070ETH (about $130) will entitle you to receive a founder’s reward of 1 free NFT from every special edition or collection we’ll release through our weakly auction, and this for a duration of 3 years.

👉 Responding to this call with a contribution of 0.25ETH (about $470) or above will automatically entitle you to receive the same founder reward but for 5 years,

👉 Providing a contribution of 0.5ETH or above will entitle you to the founder’s reward forever, plus a very special secret reward.

👉 You can contribute with any amount you feel inspired to advance this worthy cause and if we raise the amount we’re seeking ($12,550), everybody who contributes ANY AMOUNT gets a free NFT from every weekly limited edition or collection we’ll release, forever. This is to encourage all contribution sizes because every bit does indeed go a long way, and we can truly work miracles when we work together.

The opportunity to contribute once and own all of the NFTs that the community will ever release is just too good to pass up. This is the real OG badge.

I made sure that this opportunity is open to all as we do need resources to bring to the world all the awesome things we’ve been crafting.

So jump on this and let’s fuel this new phase of our growth as a community. Please, feel free to use the Ethereum address below to make your contribution now:


As always, all the contributions will be tracked via the magic of blockchain, and own very own SUMMER AI will distribute the rewards accordingly.

We’ll expand on this focused fundraising effort going forward

Thank you for your service, and let’s take everything to the next level.
For the vision, for the impact, and for the crown of glory.



Jesse Morningstar

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Empath, Environmentalist. Raising global quality of life by creating an enlightened civilization is my passion. Let there be thriving!