Heavy Water
I’m swimming in heavy water — the deepest shade of blue.
I don’t see the shore line. The most pressing question I ask myself now is this: Am I a man swimming for safety, or am I a fish that thinks he is a drowning man?
I want to be a neon light. One of the signs you find outside of a bar. Inside of a bar. On the side of a truck stop, promising salvation in a desert for thirsty hearts in migration.
I’ll listen to music all day and when everyone is gone, I’ll be so still.
You’ve been feeling a particular existence recently-
It can only be described as what you imagine
it would feel like to lose an arm, but feel like it’s still there.
You hear songs
What it feels like to be the bad guy
The truth is less glamorous than its reputation
Pride is replaced with remorse, never for what I’ve put others through, but for my own integrity sacrificed
Even a city boy knows what it feels like idling under a big sky. We’ve all been there at one point or another…
Ma and Pa
Capable and copper toned, my mother told me I had perfect, olive colored skin. “I’m going to tell you something, something you might not know. You…