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This Sucks, And Yet…
This Sucks, And Yet…
I lost my wife at 40 suddenly and unexpectedly. She was the best part of my life, but I have a young daughter and a responsibility to move forward.
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Dealing with Conflicting Life Signals

Quick recap from last time: it’s been tough, but I’ve had a few moments recently where I felt myself giving into anger and was able to channel my better self to find compassion. It’s definitely work and I’ve definitely had moments in which I was unsuccessful, but…

The Relief of Mundane Problems

Earlier this year, I wrote about how I’m starting to feel the way I used to feel about my life, a reflection of some newfound optimism and what, at that point, felt like the fog of grief and uncertainty starting to lift.

I’m Starting to Feel the Way I Used to Feel

I alluded to this at the end of my last entry but wanted to devote a bit more time/space to it this week: I’m starting to feel the way I used to feel about life, before COVID, before Chelsea passed, and even before I started my stint as a stay-at-home…