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Left Technologies — Travel with purpose.
Left Technologies — Travel with purpose.
Through technology and innovation, we aim to impact our Community, make our mark, and change the world in a positive way.
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Left Wins 2016 Tech Impact Award for Community Engagement

June 9, 2016 | By John Lyotier

So we woke up this morning as the repeat winner in the Community Engagement category for the 2016 BC Tech Association’s TIA awards. And while the wine was flowing in…

The Spirit of BC Tech — What is it and Why You Should Vote.

April 17, 2016 | By John Lyotier

On Thursday night we learned that Left had been named a 2016 TIA Finalist in the category of Community Engagement. This is the same award that we were so humbled to win…

The Pay-Off of Joining a Start-Up

March 31, 2016 | By Melissa Quinn

The digitization and globalization of everything has made the career seeking process quite a daunting one. Of course, it’s a positive dilemma to have a world of options; however, the paradox of choice would tell…

Growth of Small Business and Domain Names

November 17, 2011 | By John Lyotier

Someone asked me about the stats quoted in our “Look Left: AllICanAffordIsThisShittyDomain” video (click here to watch). The stats used were:

Stat #1 — “6.7 Million…