Dev Update #147-#150

THORChain Dev Update for Weeks 144–146, 2 June — 3 July; Mainnet Announced, THORNames launch, Terra Update and Gaia coming to Mainnet!

THORChain Author
6 min readJul 4, 2022



Mainnet was announced, marking a major milestone Goodbye Chaosnet, Mainnet is here. Massive Binance promotion is currently ongoing to celebrate Mainnet. THORNames are now live on Mainnet, Gia Chain will go to Mainnet soon, Terra chain removed and a killSwitch update.

THORNames on Mainnet

This feature was conceived and constructed almost a year ago but was pushed back to focus on the reliability and stability of the network.

The main purpose of this feature was to create shortened memos allowing more complex transactions on THORChain while staying within the limitations of memo sizes of various external networks. The core devs always had the design intent to minimise barriers to entry to participate in the network, and long memos were antithetical to that.

You can learn more about THORNames at

TERRA Update

Nodes have voted to Ragnarok the TERRA chain. Funds within the pools have been returned to the address that added them. A community effort is underway to have the LP address registered for the Terra airdrop. Note: This initiative is entirely community-managed.

TFL Devs Update

THORChain community has been working with Terraform Labs (TFL) to get THORChain Liquidity Providers represented. TFL Devs are reviewing the csv of each LPers address, share and airdrop_amount (1e8). Liquidity Providers don’t need to do anything, the balance will be distributed directly to the Terra address you used to deposit with. Vesting + other conditions apply. A recent update from TFL is:

“We’re already working on the airdrop claim mechanism. We’ll need a software upgrade to the chain in order to do this airdrop.”

In terms of plan, it’ll be something like this

1. Raise gov proposal for software upgrade

2. Raise gov proposal for allocating LUNA from comm pool for airdrops.

3. Open up airdrop claim Interface by the end July to mid-August

4. Users have 1 month to claim

For THORChain users, they will be required to connect their terra station wallets that they used to deposit into THORChainto receive the airdrops”

For specific details, see below

Adjusted csv:

Methodology for all calculations:

Folder of all python notebooks and csv:

Kill Switch Reminder and Update

THORChain will be removing support for non-native RUNE (BNB.RUNE and ETH.RUNE).

See more information on the Kill Switch and BEP2/ERC20 RUNE upgrade in the Upgrading to Native RUNE Article.

Nodes have voted to enable the KillSwitch and it will activate at block height 6500000, or 19th July 05:00 EDT.

It is recommended you upgrade asap with the below guides:

Native RUNE is supported by many major centralised exchanges allowing another path to upgrade non-native RUNE.

Upcoming Proposed Features

  1. Single-Sided Liquidity Proposal
  2. Dex Aggregation

Want more information?

See the THORChain Communication Initiatives laid out in THORNoob’s article for where to find the information.

Also check out THORChain and Community News at and

Bi-Weekly Community Recap #21 (June 1 — June 20): THORChain

  • Notable Gitlab Issues
  • Most Asked Questions
  • Feedbacks & Suggestions
  • Notable Work
  • Ecosystem Updates
  • Weekly Dev Discord Updates\

THORChain Monthly Stats- May

Weekly THORChain Podcasts

Past Recordings on RUNE BASE: Updates

  • Enhanced mobile/desktop layout and experience
  • Added middleware to dashboard page for fast loading
  • Revamped the transaction search query (native + midgard)
  • Added APY, ISP, Location, Age, Chains status, Score, link, providers and etc to nodes page
  • Added Asgard and Yggdrasil vault to the search query (with asset in the wallet)
  • Outbound queue, gas fee on the network page
  • Much more UI/UX fixes
  • Outbound queue, gas fee on the network page
  • Feel free to leave a feedback here if you like

ASGARDEX v0.16.0 Released
  • ATOM Support added

Network Updates


All wallets and traders should double check they are querying the correct router, provided on the inbound_address endpoint.

The router can change at any time. Do not cache it. Funds sent to the old router are impossible to recover and no refunds can be provided.

DR 002: Remove Yggdrasil Vaults — Passed

In accordance with the new governance proposal (see: what-is-this), the participating developers have invoked a Motion to Bypass a node operator vote for this ADR.

Read the full ADR here:

Dev Commentary:

This ADR passed automatically (as recommended by a majority of participating developers).

THORNODE Update 1.90.0

1) Bump version to 1.90 PR:

2) Update terra config to fix smoke test PR:

3) [feature] bail if version is unsupported by the binary PR:

4) [BUG] Only report solvency when vault is insolvent PR:

5) Addition of /thorchain/queue/scheduled endpoint documentation PR:

6) BondRewardRune distribution comments PR:

7) [refactor] remove calling GetLowestVersion where possible PR:

THORNODE Update 1.91.0

Once the release is adopted, the LUNA and UST Ragnarok processes will begin since they were already voted on.

1) [CLEANUP] swap cleanups PR:

2) [FIX] version router for Swapper PR:

3) Add Caller to Logs PR:

4) [BUG] Check Denominator to avoid divide by zero error PR:

5) [CLEANUP] Shared UTXO Package PR:

6) Resolve “[ADD] Ragnarok a pool per mimir setting” PR:

THORNODE Update 1.92.0

Major Items:

* Add Gaia daemon

* SwapOut Dex Aggregation, see SWAPOUT memo:

* Nodes can leave and return without having to rebuild

* Terra cleanup, daemon removal

These are the changes included in the release.

1) [BUG] Fix version endpoint cause panic PR:

2) [ADD] Fix Query might cause potential consensus failure on full node PR:

3) [bugfix] Skip subsidizing pool with bond slash if RUNE value is 0 PR:

4) Store migration to fix usdc balance PR:

5) [cleanup] manager_slasher.SlashVault refactor PR:

6) Historical version again (and querier version) PR:

7) [BUG] Add GAIA chain into GetChain list PR:

8) Add message signing utility PR:

9) Add Gaia daemon status PR:

10) [ADD] Use store migration to remove TERRA assets PR:

11) [ADD] Update go-tss to v1.5.1 PR:

12) Ethereum v1.10.19 PR:

13) [BUG] Remove Inactive asgard vault from asgardindex PR:

14) [ADD] Allow active node use leave request to churn out PR:

15) Prevent 0-amount-incompatible MsgSolvency node groups PR:

16) Adopt ADR-003 and ADR-004 PR:

17) [ADD] optimise mimir access PR:

18) handler_tss changes PR:

19) [ADD] Gaia PR:

20) [ADD] SwapOut Dex Aggregation PR:

THORChain Community

To keep up to date with the project, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram, Discord and Twitter:

