Dear Thortspace … I have a Windows 10 machine and Thortspace keeps crashing

Hi I have a windows 10 machine and it keeps crashing about every few minutes. Sometimes it can go for about 10min but always crashes. Please assist. Thanks.

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readApr 18, 2020


Thanks very much for getting in touch. I’m sorry Thortspace is not working properly for you.

(1) The very first thing to do is to check your App version number and make sure you have got the latest version of the Thortspace App. At the time of writing, the latest Windows version of Thortspace is 1.5.10. The article linked below says how to check your version number and update your App if necessary. However, in many cases the Thortspace App will update automatically, so you typically do not need to update manually.

(2) The next thing to check is to update the graphics drivers for your device … do you know how to do that?

Please could you say: is it a laptop or a desktop? What is the make and model number of your device or machine?

(3) Another thing to try is to disable sound inside the Thortspace App.

How to disable sounds in Thortspace App.

When Thortspace crashes on Windows10, under a large variety of situations, it will present the user with a “Crash Report Dialog” and offer to upload the crash report to the Thortspace cloud service on Google’s secured service.

Please could you say whether you were prompted to upload a crash report?

If you were prompted, please could you say whether you accepted the request to upload the crash report. (Receiving the crash report is often the key part of being able to determine why Thortspace is crashing, and therefore being able to fix it in a future release.)

Please could you say whether you are using Thortspace while logged-in to the cloud service … ie. you have an account that has an associated email address?

If so, please could you say the email address that is used for your account? If you are not being prompted to submit a crash report, you could if you wish, zip up the “debug log” folder and send it to me.

The debug log folder may contain information that would allow us to fix the crash in time for the next release.

The debug log folder should be located here:


See also:

More information is here:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.