Dear Thortspace … I’m a business user. How do I add a sphere I have made to my list of spheres owned by my organisation?

#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readOct 21, 2019

This article is for people with Thortspace Business Accounts (or people who are interested in Thortspace Business). If you have a Thortspace Free or Thortspace Premium account, you don’t need to know any of this — unless of course you happen to be interested. First off, if you don’t have a Thortspace Business Account, and you want to know how to create one, read this article first:

If you are a business subscriber, you can view the list of Organisations you are a member of via the web portal:

In the screenshot, you can see that my user account is a member of the an organisation called “Gooisoft”.

Consequently when I am logged in to the Thortspace App using that same user account, I can add spheres I have created to that organisation:

From in the Thortspace App I click on drop-down menu for the sphere on the spheres list that I want to transfer ownership to my organisation, and I select “Add to Gooisoft” (Gooisoft being the name of the organisation I happened to create or be added to at some time.)

[In your case your organisation will be whatever you happened to call it. It will not be called Gooisoft.]

After a confirmation box it then gets added to the organisation spheres, and the spheres count in incremented. Click on the organisation spheres count number to see the list of organisation spheres.

Once you have confirmed your choice, the sphere will be added to your list of spheres belonging to your organisation: Go back to the web portal to manage this list and your Organisation:

Note that the sphere count for your organisation has been incremented:

Click on the sphere count number to see the list of spheres owned by your organisation:

More information:

(1) There is a really great discussion about using Thortspace Business accounts, and upgrading from a Free Thortspace account to a Thortspace Business account here:

(2) If you don’t have a Thortspace Business account, and you’re now so inspired that you want to go an create one, go here:

(3) Other related articles:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough collaborative thinking whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.

