How to … Subscribe to Thortspace Business

A Thortspace Business Account allows you to manage a group of Thortspace user accounts under a single license agreement and a single recurring bill

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
5 min readFeb 16, 2019


Thought processing software can aid in decision-making and collaborative analysis of complex problems, and this makes it particularly valuable for businesses. You can get started using Thortspace inside your business by creating a subscription for your organisation, and at the end you’ll all be able to securely create, share, and collaborate on spheres on any topics you choose.

Creating an Owner Account

Firstly, you will need an account to serve as the owner of the organisation’s subscription. If you already have a Thortspace account, you can use that one, and access both private spheres and organisation spheres through it. If not, you’ll need to create one. Either way, you can go to and either sign in or create a new account.

Registering Your Organisation

Once you’re logged in, you can register your organisation. Simply go to and enter the name of your organisation, then click “create”.

Once you’ve done this, your organisation will be created and you’ll be taken to the Plan page for your organisation, where you can set how many team members you want to be able to use Thortspace, get an automatic quote, and provide your payment country and card details. Do this, click subscribe, and you’re ready to invite your team.

Inviting Your Team

To invite your team, click “User List”. You’ll see a page like this:

Simply enter the email address of someone you want to use Thortspace in your organisation and click “invite” to send them a link that will guide them through creating a Thortspace account. Your team can then download Thortspace from, login using each of their accounts, and get started using the product, and sharing spheres with each other.

The content of this article was prepared by John Beshir. Many thanks!

Dear Thortspace … having subscribed to a Thortspace Business service, how to use it — for example — managing users and the different features, managing information and the different categories, managing sharing and collaboration — together with case studies where and if they exist.

Business subscriptions to Thortspace provide the same beneifits as a “Premium” subscription with 2 additional benefits:

(1) You can have multiple log-ins on the same account — ie. multiple users paid for by a single monthly payment on a single billing account. Users can be added to the organisation and may be removed from the organisation independently of the account itself, while keeping the essential structure of the subscription account for that organisation in tact and un-affected.

(2) Spheres may be owned by the organisation, rather than being owned by individuals within the organisation. Under a regular Premium subscription, all the private spheres a user creates are owned by the account of the user. This feature means that users can be added to an organisation and users can be removed from an organisation, without inadvertently impacting a set of spheres that users within the organisation may want to maintain shared private access to. In respect of assigning organisation ownership to spheres, please see:

As yet, there are no other benefits apart from these two, to having a Business subscription, over and above the benefits available from having several premium subscriptions; although having said this, we have undertaken to provide additional benefits on an ad hoc basis when an organisation wants to commission us to do so ie. we have undertaken to be available to take on commissions of this sort. On the payment plan item lists, other such benefits that we can be commissioned to undertake are described as “Optional”. Such options include things like providing an on client site local server alternative to the cloud services eg. by means of the “AppScale” open source server infrastructure.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough collaborative thinking whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!