Dear Thortspace … Is it possible to do a word search on the content of all the Thortspace articles on Medium?

#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
2 min readNov 20, 2019

Dear Thortspace … Is it possible to do a word search on the content of all the Thortspace articles on Medium?


I believe you can use this button here:

  1. Click the button -> a text box opens next to it
  2. Type a search text into the the text box and press Return (or equivalent)

(I’m not sure whether this performs content search, or just title search.)


You can also go to the “Contents” page, and search across the article titles by doing a regular browser-based search (depending on the particular search features of your particular browser — just about every browser provides page search features). Start by going to the Thortspace Medium Articles Table of Contents which is here:


A third thing you can do which definitely does scan at least some of the page content is to do a Google Site search.

Use “site:” to filter Google to use just the target site … eg. if I’m looking for the keyword “plato” on medium .com/thortspace , I would use:


I think OPTION 1 above does everything you need, but if it doesn’t you could ask Medium Help if this facility exists already and how to access it, and if it doesn’t exist already ask them to add it:

Here is a link for making requests of

For reference

The original Facebook conversation this article is based on is here:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.

