Dear Thortspace … What’s the difference between …

Of course I loved the tool, but please explain or help me find the answer to this: What’s the difference between
A) A group of thorts, (This is the easy one)
B) A group of embedded spheres, or even
C) A sphere with many ungrouped but embedded spheres in a path…
And what should I use each for 🤔?
Thank you in advance.

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readNov 8, 2018


Thank you very much for exploring the use of Thortspace.

One of the intentions behind the development of Thortspace is a kind of playful exploration of the network of thinking that an individual or a team already has in place in respect of a project or problem.

So typically I when I go to think about something, I might start by putting whatever first occurs to me to think about it on to thorts on a new sphere. Such thoughts don’t necessarily have obvious groupings when I first put them onto thorts, but as I create the first ones that occur to me onto thorts, I find that other thoughts come up from the depths of my thinking, ones that are perhaps less obvious, and which perhaps have been somewhat hidden by the ones the I have now off-loaded onto the sphere.

As I get more and more of my thinking on a subject out onto the sphere, I start to see relationships between thorts and groupings that weren’t apparent when the whole morass was just sloshing around in the back of my mind. Now it starts to take on shapes. Groups of thorts and paths between thorts and groups of thorts visually express these shapes, thereby making it clearer to me what I have, as it were, been thinking all the time without knowing I was thinking that.

Ok. It’s a new day and a new subject is on my mind, but I notice as I go to work on it, that some aspects of it are familiar — ground I have covered before on other spheres but perhaps from different perspectives. So I drag those existing spheres in and drop them on thorts… they become embedded spheres. Spheres that I have on hand to click through to and refer to — not exactly in the same frame but close by. One or two or several such spheres stand out as being particularly relevant or related, so instead of embedding them I link them. When I do this I don’t only create a path-way to the related thinking but start to build a meta-structure of related thinking.

If I put a embedded spheres on a path, I am by the way creating alternative meta-structures. That can be helpful because it can be powerful to be able to hold multiple alternative contexts and viewpoints around a given subject content.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!