How to … Open your current view of your current sphere in your web browser

(and then share that on Facebook if you want to)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readNov 8, 2018


The latest versions of the Thortspace App and the Thortspace Web Browser version have all allowed you to share specific views of Spheres and Sphere Networks via Permalinks.

Permalinks can be created direct in the Web Browser, but can also be created directly from the Thortspace App.

When you click the “Browser” button, the Thortspace App will open the current view of the current sphere in your web browser. You can use the same URL it uses to share that view of that sphere on social media.

Take it one step further

You can make permalinks that point at specific Thorts and Thortgroups. Here’s how.

Dear Thortspace … Does the process of creating a permalink using the button in the App automatically make a Sphere Public?

No. The only way to make a sphere public (or make it private if it is already set to public) is to click the “Publish” / “Un-publish” button on the “Share” tab.

So the answer to your question is “no” … the link provided by the “View in browser” button will only work if Either: (1) The sphere has been made public Or: (2) You happen to be user who either owns that sphere or has private shared access to view that sphere.

[Aside: I remember discussing a feature to have publishing public journeys asking a user if they want to make all the spheres visited by the journey public (and then doing so if they said yes) … but in the end we decided not to do that.]

Take it another step further with Thortspace Journeys

In Thortspace, a Journey is series of views of spheres, thorts, thortgroups and sphere networks in a sequencial order.

Essentially a Journey is a bit like a series of Permalinks, one after another one in a sequence. Or another way you could think of it is that it’s a bit like a series of “presentation” slides.

Each of the views can be views of the same sphere or of different spheres, and if the views are of different spheres, they can be linked together or not.

The following three articles describe how to create and publish Journeys in the Thortspace App:


(1) You can also make Permalinks directly from in your Web Browser:

(2) You can search the Public sphere list both from inside the Thortspace App and from Public spheres list in the Web Browser version of Thortspace.

Searching the Public spheres list inside the App is mentioned in this article:

Searching the Public sphere list in Web Browser version is described in this article:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.