How to … share web links to specific Views, Thorts and Groups

(and without having to create a Journey)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readSep 7, 2018


In Thortspace a “Permalink” is a weblink to specific Thort or Group or View on a Public sphere (as opposed to a weblink to a sphere itself).

Permalinks can be created direct from the Thortspace App, but Permalinks can also be created directly in your Web Browser.

For example here is a link:,-0.925103,-0.37912/up/0.344553,0.362751,-0.865849/zoom/124.4116/trans/1

… which links to this view:

Try it now !

So instead of just directing people to a sphere (such as ) with your Web Link (“URL”), you can now direct people to a specific view, thort or group or thorts.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Sharing Weblinks to Thorts and Groups

Step A : In the web-browser version of Thortspace, click on the Thort or Group that you want to share a link to.

Step B : Click “Permalink Thort” or “Permalink Group”

Step C : Thortspace web version will open a new tab with the web address set to be the exact Thort or Group you had selected when you chose “Permalink Thort” or “Permalink Group”.

Step D : Copy-and-paste the web address into your social media feed, comment or message.The text of the Thort or Group is supplied to social media as the description text of the item (see yellow highlight).

When your social media friends and colleagues click on your web link, the link will take them to the exact Thort or Group in Thortspace that you have selected.

Here’s an example link pasted into a Medium article:

The link above is:

2. Sharing Weblinks to Views

Suppose I am browsing a sphere-network in a web browser, and I want to share the exact view I am looking at.

Step A : Position the sphere so that the view you want to share is showing in the browser window. Make sure you don’t have any Thorts or Groups selected.

Step B : Click “Permalink View”.

Step C : Thortspace web version will open a new tab with the web address set to show the exact view of the sphere you were looking at when you chose “Permalink View”.

Step D : Copy-and-paste the web address into your social media feed or message, as usual.

When your social media friends and colleagues click on your web link, the link will take them to the exact view in Thortspace that you have selected.

Here’s an example of a link to a view:

The link above is:,-0.287812,-0.95403/up/0.012315,0.957608,-0.287812/zoom/222.8875

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!