Pasting Sphere URLs into Medium articles and Facebook posts and comments

(and quite soon into other social media feeds and scenarios)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readNov 29, 2018


Thortspace public sphere URLs will now automatically supply feature graphics or thumbnails when posted in Medium articles or Facebook posts or comments.

Here’s some examples of pasting Thortspace sphere URLs into articles:

Pasting this link — — onto a new line in a Medium article and pressing return, generates the following link box on Medium:

Pasting this link — — onto a new line in a Medium article and pressing return, generates the following link box on Medium:

Pasting this link — — onto a new line in a Medium article and pressing return, generates the following link box on Medium:

The public sphere lists

The public sphere lists, provide lots of examples of pasted spheres URLs into Medium articles:

Here’s some examples of pasting Thortspace sphere URLs into Facebook posts and comments:

You can check and update the Facebook cache for the feature graphic that will appear on Facebook by going to the the Facebook Scraping debugger (shown below), posting the URL into the text box (next to the debug button) and then clicking the Debug button. If you have posted the same URL before, you will probably need to use the “Scrape Again” button to update the graphic for that URL.

By the way:

Support for Permalinks

All of the above procedures and scenarios also work with Thortspace permalinks (links which point to specific Thorts, Groups and Viewpoints of spheres).

For example, this link —,0.967217,0.199148/up/0.973383,-0.118148,-0.196386/zoom/543.8233/trans/1 — produces the follow link panel:

Note that when you create and paste or post a permalink, the feature graphic provided is the standard feature graphic for the sphere. It is not the exact same view of the sphere as the permalink gives you when it is clicked on, but it is a view of that same sphere from a distance that keeps the whole of sphere within viewpoint shown in the graphic.

These features do not as yet work with Twitter. Also please note that Thortspace Journeys are not yet enable to provide feature graphics and thumbnail pictures. Support for Twitter and for Thortspace Journeys will be coming quite soon. Check back on this article for updates on this, or join the Thortspace Facebook group to get ongoing news and community information about Thortspace.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.