It’s only been 7 Days and my life has changed forever

January 1st, 2019 we started a 90 Day Content Challenge. 7 Days later everything has changed.

Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire
4 min readJan 9, 2019


Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Seven days ago, January 1st, 2019, twenty five people and myself embarked on a journey together. We said that we were committing to posting on a social media platform every day for 90 days; and if we forgot or were unable to post, we start back at day 1.

Those were the rules, and that’s pretty much it. The point is not to gain a ton of followers, the point is to build out a portfolio of work and to sharpen your skillset. The point is to become a content creator and to create a habit that develops disciple.

It’s not easy

If you know anything about posting on social media, it takes a lot of time, motivation, and technical knowledge to actually get your content and your story out there. So that’s what this challenge teaches you; it gets you actually doing the work and figuring out all the struggles it takes to accomplish the work to get to the goal.

I chose Medium again for my second challenge because I saw such a huge value the first time I did it in 2018. This platform is such a fantastic way to share your story because it’s so easy to post. It also keeps you motivated because the more you post, the easier it is to be discovered.

But since I have done this challenge once before and I was already pretty consistent with posting on Instagram, I choose two platforms; Medium and Instagram. By utilizing both platforms, I’m confident that I can accomplish even more than the first time I completed the challenge. If you want to learn more about what I learned from my first challenge, you can check out this article.

So how did everything change?

I knew this challenge was powerful because the first time did it, it taught me so much. It taught me to be a better writer, it taught me disciple, it gave me a portfolio of writing, and it developed my mindset.

Photo by: Tijmen Hobbel

It’s different this time, It’s more Powerful

But this time around is different, this time around I’m doing it with a community. And not just any community, a community of like-minded individuals that have a mindset that anything is possible. It really started with just my friends that I’ve met over the last few years since I left my full-time job. But it’s become so much more since then; just one week ago.

Each of those individuals has shared the challenge with others and brought in their friends and people from their audience. Each day we grow the community and we inspire others to join in on this life of being a doer. I think we spend too much time in this life consuming content, but when you become a doer and start also producing content, your mindset changes. You start to think critically about the world and you start to understand how to share your story. And you gain the confidence to become vulnerable, which in turn makes you happier!

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

I’ve seen people overcome mental blocks about self-doubt and shame, I’ve seen people be more vulnerable and start sharing, and I’ve seen people just say “What the hell, let’s give this a try.” And there’s something super powerful about that for both them, and me. It brings me a lot of joy and happiness to help people overcome those mental blocks and start to create their own content.

So I’m super happy to be a part of this community and be leading the charge towards a life of freedom and fulfillment. I know that we can all make a difference together, and we are going to do it one blog or instagram post at a time.

What to join the challenge? Learn more here and join us today in the Those That Inspire group on Facebook!



Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.