A Quick Croton Care Guide

Help your Croton keep its fire and flowers!

Matt Croak Plants
Thought Thinkers


Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

In a previous post, I wrote about how one of our plants, a Garden Croton, was exhibiting some odd behavior. As it turns out, this “odd” behavior was just a Croton flowering!

Our Croton Flower in June

While rare for an indoor Croton, it’s a sign that it’s doing well!

It means that the circumstances under which it’s being grown are sufficient enough to encourage flowering. Which begs the question: how do you care for an indoor Croton to ensure it not only survives, but thrives?

Below are what I think are the most important considerations for Croton.


This is probably the biggest factor for why our Croton has done so well. Despite being indoors, it gets A LOT of great light all day.

Our plant corner at around 7:00 PM in June

Our apartment is a south-facing corner apartment, so the Croton gets light in the morning from the East/Southeast. In the latter half of the day it gets good light from the…

