Go to The whatleads.to blog
The whatleads.to blog
What leads to plans of action that create real change?
Note from the editor

What leads to plans of action that create real change?

Go to the profile of Sūryanāga Poyzer
Sūryanāga Poyzer
Service Design & Digital Strategy
Go to the profile of Jamie Davies
Jamie Davies
Full Stack Dev. Dev at @TalkLifeApp. Co-Founder of @whatleadsto (Back in the day).
Go to the profile of Jerome Toole
Jerome Toole
Working towards improving online activism @causehubio, promoting creativity through events with @BrainchildFest and photography too.
Go to the profile of Jamie Davies
Jamie Davies
Full Stack Dev. Dev at @TalkLifeApp. Co-Founder of @whatleadsto (Back in the day).
Go to the profile of Jerome Toole
Jerome Toole
Working towards improving online activism @causehubio, promoting creativity through events with @BrainchildFest and photography too.