Our First Thought: Post-CoP

Theo Sheppard
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3 min readDec 7, 2022

Following CoP27, I thought I’d use our first newsletter to share several articles from our writers that highlight important environmental issues. These include musings on species extinction, sustainable spirits, the circular economy and eco-anxiety, as well as some climate actions you can take right now.

Our first three pieces (including two book reviews) come from 𝐆𝐫𝐫𝐥𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭, scientist & journalist, our resident PhD evolutionary ecologist and ornithologist:

How Some Species Can Go Extinct Twice And Why We Should Care

Some species go extinct twice — one time when the last individual stops breathing, and a second time when our collective memory about the species disappears…


A Good Drink: In Pursuit of Sustainable Spirits By Shanna Farrell — Review

Spirits — alcohol — are incredibly eco-unfriendly and wasteful to produce, but the industry is stepping up to meet the challenge of creating environmentally sustainable spirits


Jungle: How Tropical Forests Shaped The World — And Us By Patrick Roberts — Review

A comprehensive but flawed examination of the importance of tropical forests to the evolution of life throughout the millennia and of man’s relationship with tropical forests.


Photo by Boudewijn Huysmans on Unsplash

A fourth piece comes from myself, and takes a look at Amsterdam’s circular economy strategy.

Amsterdam: The World’s First Circular City

Amsterdam’s plan to eradicate waste by 2050


Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

Our final two pieces come from Krista Kurth Ph.D., author and Former Director of the Green America Center.

Ten Climate Actions You Can Take Right Now

Follow the Advice of Two Top Climate Experts


Although this final article was published back in 2020 in the context of the US Presidential Elections, it remains relevant for anyone concerned about the treatment of climate change in politics.

Are You Experiencing Election Eco-Anxiety?

My anxiety is not ordinary anxiety. It is what the experts call “eco-anxiety,” “climate change distress,” “eco-trauma,” “eco-angst,” or “ecological grief.”


Photo by Josh Barwick on Unsplash

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