Planning Inspiration

Structure, commitment and a clear goal

Joseph Emmi
Thoughts On The Go


As days go by and my 100 days of writing project starts to sink in as a daily activity I need to factor in, the more I realise planning and structure are key; not only for the success of the project itself, but to assure a frictionless execution, and ultimately, my own sanity, especially when willing to write about 4 different topics in one week.

Since I decided to use this project as way for me to make time and focus on delivery, and due to the variety of ideas that I’ve been willing to explore for a long time, I’m realising that the biggest threat to inspiration is actually not the lack of ideas, but the lack of structure.

Not knowing what to write can be a blissful blank canvas full of possibilities some days, but in the long run, it is going to become frustrating and difficult. But, if my main goal is to improve, to be better at writing, articulating ideas and executing, then some order is going to be required, and as the good all say says “You can’t improve what you can’t measure”.

I don’t mean creating KPIs for my own writing (which to be honest, would be very interesting) but to create a plan that will give me the structure I need to focus on the things that matter the most, when they matter the most. To focus on one thing at a time. To continuously capture new ideas while knowing they will have a time and place. To guarantee consistent and equal effort for all the topics. And ultimately, to stop me wondering, to avoid me getting stuck with rules that I created in my head but that have no means to exist and just blocking me from moving forward.

As easy or common that is to think that all activities in the creative fields are by nature the consequence of impromptu inspiration, the reality is that, as any other craft, they require work, effort, commitment and organisation in order to execute accordingly and deliver the best possible piece.

Structure, commitment and a clear goal, that’s my secret formula, and ideas always tend to follow.

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting — Day 7of 100

