Sleep Difficulties & Autism

Arianna Golden
Through the Eye of the Prism
4 min readJan 4, 2021


Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash

I forgot to mention sleep issues in my list of kryptonites the other day.

I was looking up autism and sleep challenges this morning, having had yet another night where I slept for about an hour and a half then woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep until I was supposed to be getting up, when I fell back finally to get another hour or so.

If I was waking up rested, on time to get everything done, it wouldn’t bother me how much time I spent awake at night. But I’m not waking up on time because I’m not getting enough quality sleep at night.

Everything the “experts” say, about consistent routines, no blue light before bed, etc. This is all stuff I incorporated into my life back before I knew I was autistic.

I have blackout curtains. My bedding meets my sensory needs for sleeping. I have access to water I can sip from without spilling without having to get up, because I can’t fall asleep if my throat is dry. I drink magnesium water a couple hours before bed, because magnesium helps stimulate melatonin production. I have a consistent nighttime routine every day. I spend a lot of time meditating before falling asleep and after waking up.

These are all sleep things which apply to anyone and everyone with sleep issues. The information I found with recommendations for handling sleep trouble for children…



Arianna Golden
Through the Eye of the Prism

She/Her. Chatelaine. Writer. Dreamer. Bioengineer. Designer. Witch. #ActuallyAutistic