Airdrop update & participation details 🪂

Jorrit Horstman
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2021

We’ve received an overwhelming amount of interest for our launch on Copperlaunch (live until the 6th of December 2021). At this time we’ve seen over $1M in volume and there are 580 new and happy $THX holders! THX to everybody who has already participated, joined our channels or has supported THX Network in any other way. 🙏

UPDATE, 1 DEC: Due to the high amount of participants in the auction the core team has decided to cap the number of eligible addresses for the airdrop to 500. This means we’ll distribute a maximum of 500.000 tokens, which is 12,5% of our incentive allocation. There are a little over 400 eligible addresses at the moment of writing.

Airdrop eligibility 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

We’ve received a few questions regarding the announced airdrop for email subscribers on our Discord. Please follow the steps below to make sure your participation in the launch will be rewarded.

Form to subscribe to our email list on

📬 Sign up for our email list on: (NOTE: this is not the same signup button as on our homepage, which leads you to the beta version of our software.)
📥 You’ll first receive an email to confirm your subscription. After confirming you’ll receive another mail containing a link to a Google doc in which you can leave the Ethereum/Polygon address you’re planning to use in the launch
💸 After participating in the launch with a minimum of 75 $USDC using the same address as you left in the form you’ll receive the 1000 $THX airdrop in Q1 2022.
⏰ Make sure to complete the steps above before 5 december 23:59 CET

Preventing misuse & FAQ! 🤔✨👷

Signing up multiple times (with different emails) has no use. We will deduplicate all Ethereum/Polygon addresses after the launch and reward 1000 $THX per unique address that participated in the sale with a minimum spend of 75 $USDC.

Q: Can I use my THX wallet on
A: No, this is not supported by Copper. We recommend using MetaMask if you’re new to buying tokens. Follow the how-to guide here.

Q: Should I submit my THX wallet address in the form?
A: No. As mentioned above the THX wallet can’t be used in the launch, submit the Ethereum/Polygon address that you’ll use/have used in the launch.

Q: I didn’t receive an email!
A: Due to overwhelming interest our email server has had some issues. Please reach out to us on our Discord Server and we’ll share the link to the Google form with you directly, as well as confirming your email subscription.

Q: I already shared my address with you on Discord/Twitter/etc!
A: Only addresses submitted to the Google Form will be matched with the ones that have participated in the launch. All other submissions are invalid.

Q: How can I stay anonymous while still receiving the airdrop?
A: We value your privacy. We can’t match clicks with form submissions so there is no link between your email address and your blockchain address known to us.

Q: Can I sell my $THX during the launch period and still get the airdrop?
A: We will look at the amount of purchased $THX tokens at the time of purchase. You’ll be eligible for the airdrop if you HODL 75 $USDC worth of tokens (at the time of purchase) until the end of the auction. For example, if you purchase 75 $USDC at $0,15 (and hold them) and the final price is $0,13, you’ll still receive the airdrop in Q1 2022.

Q: Can I buy multiple times to reach the 75 $USDC threshold?
A: Yes, as long as you use the same address for these purchases.

Q: How do I know if I’m within the 500 eligible addresses or not?
A: After the launch has finished the team will crunch the numbers and publish a list of addresses that will receive the airdrop in Q1 2022.

Q: I forgot which address I submitted to the form!
A: No worries, feel free to resubmit your address. As mentioned we’ll first deduplicate the submitted addresses to make sure they’re unique.

We’ll update this article with more questions & answers in the future if needed. If your question wasn’t answered above, reach out to us using one of the links below. THX again for your interest in THX Network!

About THX Network

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! That’s why we created the THX Network, a blockchain-powered protocol that allows you to create and embed your own tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

Use cases include loyalty programs, the offering of collectibles by creators, cashbacks, and engagement incentives.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses THX Network to reward engagement on their employee and policymaker platform called SparkBlue. Over 70.000 transactions and counting have been performed on behalf of UNDP users using THX Network’s infrastructure!

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
X 🦤
Telegram ✈️
YouTube 📺

Get the $THX token
Balancer (Polygon) ⚖️
1Inch (Polygon) 🐉

Other resources
Developer and campaign manager docs 📋
Code on Github 🛠️
Audit report 🕵️

Jule Landwehr, Mieszko Czyzyk, Peter Polman and Natasha Schön from the THX core team, summer 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — photo by Rudolfo Dalamicio



Jorrit Horstman

Freelance marketing- and advertising specialist. Currently working as a Marketing associate at @thxprotocol