THX Token Launch, 22nd of Nov. on Copper + Polygon🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀

Mieszko Czyzyk
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2021

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! That’s why we created the THX Network, a blockchain-powered protocol that allows you to create and embed your own tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

Use cases include loyalty programs, the offering of collectibles by creators, cashbacks, and engagement incentives.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses THX Network to reward engagement on their employee and policymaker platform called SparkBlue. Over 70.000 transactions and counting have been performed on behalf of UNDP users using THX Network’s infrastructure!

UPDATE — 17–19 Nov., follow up stories:
The inner workings of THX Network 🛠️ 👩‍💻👨‍💻 — Tokenomics (I)
$THX distribution and governance 📊 👩‍💻👨‍💻 — Tokenomics (II)

UPDATE — 21 Nov., token launch:
‘How-To’ participate in the THX Token Launch Auction, 22nd of Nov. — 5 Dec. 🤔❓

For blockchain power users: if you’re familiar with Token Launches you can skip this tutorial and go directly to the THX Fair Launch Auction on Copper.

22 November 2021: THX token launch! 📅

The THX token is the driving force behind the THX Network protocol and gives token holders voting control over the THX protocol’s parameters and future improvements, as well as the potential right to claim protocol fees.

The THX token will be launched on the 22nd of November 2021 on the Copper Fair Launch platform, it’s the world’s first Polygon-sidechain powered launch using Balancer pools.

Copper Fair Launch Auction 🤩

The THX token will be launched using a Fair Launch Auction (FLA), a special configuration of Balancer’s Liquidity Bootstapping Pools. An FLA is a simple crowdfunding mechanism that enables people to participate early in projects and ideas from across the world.

Copper is the most open, transparent, and user-friendly way to participate in a Fair Launch Auction, which is why we chose to use it to launch $THX. We expect Copper’s interface, Balancer’s liquidity pools and auction mechanism and Polygon’s low gas fees to lead to an even more fair price discovery for participants.

More details on token distribution, tokenomics, exact configuration and how-to participate in the $THX launch on Copper will be posted here on Medium in the week of 15 to 21 November.

Sign-up for email updates — 1000 $THX airdrop 📥

As a token of appreciation for those who wish to stay in touch we’re giving a 1000 $THX incentive for users who sign up to the email list. After leaving your email address on our website you’ll receive a link to a form in which you can submit the Ethereum/Polygon address that you’ll use to participate in the token launch.

Participants in the Copper launch for a minimum of 75 $USDC using the *same* Ethereum/Polygon address will receive the airdrop in Q1 2022.

Sign up for updates and on our website

We value your privacy. We can’t match clicks with form submissions so there is no link between your email address and your blockchain address known to us.

THX Network for creators 👩‍🎨🏅👨‍🎤

Use THX Network to issue your own token, and to connect with your audience across platforms, on your own terms. For example; you can make your token exchangeable for merchandise or digital content.

The LEN10 brand is all about inspiring people to live life free and to the fullest —

We joined forces with SBRecords, an intellectual capital company representing progressive creators. SBRecords enables creators to build their business at a global level, to own and control their assets, their intellectual capital through blockchain technology and community engagement.

One of these creators is world top ranking kiteboarder and inventor of the Megaloop, Ruben Lenten aka LEN10, who is about to issue his engagement token and collectibles.

“I’m always looking for new ways to connect with people around the world. Now being able to reward people online for engaging with the sport, content and lifestyle we all love feels like a logical next step.” — Ruben

Let’s stay in touch!

We’ll share more information on the token launch in the upcoming weeks. The best way to stay updated on our progress is to sign up for our newsletter on the THX Token Launch page. See you there!

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
X 🦤
Telegram ✈️
YouTube 📺

Get the $THX token
Balancer (Polygon) ⚖️
1Inch (Polygon) 🐉

Other resources
Developer and campaign manager docs 📋
Code on Github 🛠️
Audit report 🕵️

Jule Landwehr, Mieszko Czyzyk, Peter Polman and Natasha Schön from the THX core team, summer 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — photo by Rudolfo Dalamicio



Mieszko Czyzyk

Founder @ Fascinated by blockchain. Great at data-driven marketing.