Confessions of a Future Politician: Part 18

Inalienable Rights/Bookkeeping

Dave Volek
Tiered Democratic Governance


Year 8, Week 2

Ron Govelin and his TDG group put a half page ad in the Riverbend Times. They were emphasizing the inalienable right to bear firearms, which they have made an integral part of “The Real TDG.”

The executive committee sent a few emails back and forth. Again we thought some of our members might not be understanding enough to process Govelin’s ad. So we sought to reassure them of the TDG’s direction.

We decided to let Pamela Harris write an email to our members. This email would not speak directly on Govelin’s ad, but it would mention that the TDG is not ready to take sides on controversial issues at this point in time. There are good solutions to our various social issues out there, but this TDG is not strong enough to analyze all the perspectives and come up with reasoned response.

At my reption desk in the accounting office, I noticed a “Basic Bookkeeping” textbook in my reception area. Actually I noticed it when I first started working but really had no interest. For some reason, I picked the book up and started reading it — and doing some of the practice problems.

Once I got through the thick wall of understanding that “debits” really don’t mean debts and “credits” really don’t mean credit in the usual business sense. Rather each transaction is recorded twice: debits go on the left, credits go on the right. I was so amazed at how the numbers, if entered correctly, just magically balanced out.

Joosemin College had a small satellite campus in Riverbend. I took some more bookkeeping theory, plus some courses on running bookkeeping software. My boss at the accounting firm took notice. He offered me a small contract, after hours, to do a client’s payroll and books. The client and my boss liked my work, and I was given another client. So I had three jobs: receptionist, restaurant waiter, and bookkeeper. I was busy but a productive busy.

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Go to Part 19.



Dave Volek
Tiered Democratic Governance

Dave Volek is the inventor of “Tiered Democratic Governance”. Let’s get rid of all political parties! Visit