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Tierion SEC Settlement & Waiver

Today, Tierion announced a settlement and waiver with the SEC in connection with the Company’s sale of…

SilverStripe Module Uses Chainpoint To Anchor Data to Bitcoin

Each month, we showcase a company that uses Chainpoint. This month, we’re doing something different by featuring an open source project. Developer Russ Michell has created a module for SilverStripe that makes it simple for…

Tierion Joins Hyperledger And The Linux Foundation

Tierion is proud to announce we’ve joined Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation. Our team has worked with many of Hyperledger’s 250+ members for several years. This new partnership is an opportunity to accelerate the adoption of Chainpoint .

TokenSoft Uses Chainpoint To Improve Compliance In Token Sales

Tierion and TokenSoft are working together to improve the ability to conduct secure and compliant token sales. TokenSoft is now using Chainpoint to prove that data collected during token sales is accurate and hasn’t been…