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Note from the editor

Design is a journey of Discovery.

Go to the profile of Rizka Febrian
Rizka Febrian
Specialized in User Interface Apps & Website ⠿ My works diary on 🏀 : http://dribbble.com/rizkafebrian
Go to the profile of Ryan Handy Priyadma
Go to the profile of Jonathan Liono
Go to the profile of Irvan Bastian Arief
Go to the profile of Setia Budi
Go to the profile of Izzan Bacharrudin S.
Izzan Bacharrudin S.
Person who has believe that the purpose of design is to solving problem, either it is a tangible or intangible form. izzanbs.com
Go to the profile of Rizka Febrian
Rizka Febrian
Specialized in User Interface Apps & Website ⠿ My works diary on 🏀 : http://dribbble.com/rizkafebrian
Go to the profile of Putu M. Wijaya
Putu M. Wijaya
Making the world a better place through words.
Go to the profile of Meidirasari Putri
Meidirasari Putri
Part-time UX Researcher, Full-time Dreamer | itsmeidira.com
Go to the profile of Nadine Astari
Go to the profile of Futi Firliana Rahman
Go to the profile of Wiryana
A Product Designer based in Jakarta
Go to the profile of Ilma Alifia Mahardika
Ilma Alifia Mahardika
Machine Learning Engineer
Go to the profile of Steven Kurniadi
Steven Kurniadi
Interdiscipline Designer + Hospitality Purveyor linktr.ee/stevenkurniadi
Go to the profile of Abdullah Ghifari
Go to the profile of Elisafina Siswanto
Go to the profile of Kevin Adinata
Go to the profile of Dicky Hartanto
Go to the profile of Raditya Nurfadillah
Raditya Nurfadillah
Data Scientist at tiket.com
Go to the profile of Musa Alfatih
Go to the profile of Irvan Bastian Arief
Go to the profile of Yoga Aliarham
Go to the profile of Sudhanta Dwitama
Go to the profile of Sharon Regina
Sharon Regina
Business Intelligence enthusiast that wants to learn more by sharing my experiences and research. **Views expressed here are solely my own & not my employer’s.
Go to the profile of Hengkywu
Go to the profile of Dhata Karuni Mutia Masyita
Go to the profile of Jefferson Phinardi Kosasih
Go to the profile of Alvin Niza
Alvin Niza
Product Designer. At tiket.design atm. Check my site on alvinniza.com.
Go to the profile of M Adib Imtiyazi
Go to the profile of Madhukar Nilmani
Go to the profile of Lili Ayu Wulandhari
Go to the profile of Setia Budi
Go to the profile of Izzan Bacharrudin S.
Izzan Bacharrudin S.
Person who has believe that the purpose of design is to solving problem, either it is a tangible or intangible form. izzanbs.com
Go to the profile of Jessie Arum
Go to the profile of Annas Adharuqudni
Go to the profile of Yash Kushwaha
Go to the profile of Karina Wiono
Go to the profile of Patrisio Laopty
Go to the profile of Seivabel Jessica
Go to the profile of Malvin Khoe
Go to the profile of Ilham Bintang
Ilham Bintang
Machine Learning Engineer
Go to the profile of Julia Ferlin
Julia Ferlin
Data Analyst at tiket.com | ex-eFishery | ex-Tokopedia
Go to the profile of Gopi Yudoyo
Go to the profile of via
writing about my journey in discovering design & life 🍃| i show my work at www.pricharielp.space and mostly write at itsmeowpage.super.site
Go to the profile of Nurul Hidayah Jamil
Go to the profile of Arif Qodari
Arif Qodari
Morning and Coffee
Go to the profile of Stanley Yoga
Go to the profile of Amit Sharma
Go to the profile of Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma
Lead Data Scientist-II at tiket.com
Go to the profile of Haikal Susanto
Haikal Susanto
Hello! Good day to you! You can call me Haikal. I am curious person interested in data science and software engineering.
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Widjaja
Go to the profile of Ganang Rahmadi
Go to the profile of Archel Taneka
Go to the profile of Sofian Hadianto
Go to the profile of Waheed Abbas
Waheed Abbas
Data Scientist at tiket.com
Go to the profile of Khrisanto Sanjaya
Khrisanto Sanjaya
A Person who work in BI and Engineer :p
Go to the profile of Maria Khelli
Maria Khelli
Software Engineer and AI Enthusiast | CS Undergraduate @ ITB
Go to the profile of Muchid Ariyanto
Go to the profile of Vivien Christy
Vivien Christy
Currently a Product Designer @tiketdesign. Let’s connect! www.linkedin.com/in/vivienchristy
Go to the profile of Michelle Utama
Michelle Utama
Aspiring data scientist
Go to the profile of Jonathan Andika Wibowo
Go to the profile of Zulfahmihabibi
Go to the profile of Alina Florencia Karuniawati
Go to the profile of Josi Aranda
Josi Aranda
Cloud Data Engineer at tiket.com https://aranda-web.vercel.app