Go to Tiled
Tiled is the premier platform for microapp building and sharing.
Note from the editor

Tiled is a microapp platform that helps teams engage their customers, collaborate with their teams, and gain insights in one streamlined platform.

Go to the profile of Tiled
Tiled is the leading microapp platform. A better way to engage.
Go to the profile of Salil Apte
Go to the profile of Olivia Gochnour
Olivia Gochnour
Been with @tiledco since 2016. Love all things tech and social.
Go to the profile of Chase Lindsley
Chase Lindsley
Creating what people want.
Go to the profile of Hannah Cardall
Hannah Cardall
Designer and writer @tiled.co
Go to the profile of Jeremiah Simpson
Jeremiah Simpson
Jeremiah is a Design Director at Bridger, a design firm focused on digital products for the workplace. He’s passionate about design, travel, and his family.
Go to the profile of Matt Simpson
Matt Simpson
Fan of creating smart experiences for everyday extraordinary people.