5 Tips on Prioritizing your Tasks.

Mihir Shah
Time Management skills
2 min readSep 29, 2017

As stated in the previous story we should always do our most important tasks of the day before anything else and that too in a short amount of time. So in this blog I will be giving some tips on how can you complete your most important tasks before anything else.

Get a written note of everything: I have seen many people who remember what they have to do throughout the day but they don’t have a list. A list actually helps you get your tasks done faster, because once you see that tasks in front of you again and again, it makes you complete those tasks first and as soon as possible.

Prioritize your tasks: This is very important because “important tasks first and faster than anything else

Work before Play: One should always complete “Work” first because it requires your attention, concentration and dedication, so it is better to do work when you have all three of these skills in the beginning of your day. For “play” you don’t need any specific skills, so having fun can be a refreshing thing to do after work.

Allocate each task a specific timing: Its always better to allocate time slots to each task because it gives you a target of when you have to complete it and it also helps you plan things ahead after work because you have an estimate of when you will get out of work. So it is a great thing if followed.

Change your Priorities Daily: Its not important that what your priority was today will remain a priority for tomorrow also. So its always better to have some plan to change and shift your priorities accordingly.

So be sure to Make a list of your tasks everyday and also prioritize them daily according to their importance on that day. The quote below also stresses on the same principle.

“Time management means those behaviors “that aim at achieving an effective use of time while performing certain goal-directed activities” (Claessens et al., 2007, p. 262)”

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Grissom, J. A., Loeb, S., & Mitani, H. (2015). Principal time management skills. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(6), 773–793. doi:10.1108/jea-09–2014–0117

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Implementing this tips were a bit challenging for me, but the results were amazing and unexpected. I completed all my assignments very well before time and have improved a lot in this skill. “Practice” is the only thing I can do to become a master of this skill.

