With a little help from my friends

Trevor Simonick
Time Management101
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017

So after a week of attempting to work on structuring my day better with trial and error tactics, I noticed that over time it begins to come more natural to me. The “okay I need to knuckle down for a minute here…” attitude disappeared and subconsciously it turned more into, “Okay this is what’s going on today and for this week…” It really prepared me more efficiently for the longevity of a work week, as I allocated enough time for each task I had during that day. When Friday came rolling around, nearly everything that I had set for the week was accomplished. Not only did it give me a strongly feeling of accomplishment, but also a feeling of, “got the monkey off my back,” because here I am, so used to doing everything last minute, that I wasn’t sure what to do extra time on my hands.

I also started to look at other classmate blogs and observe what other students are talking about, specifically in regards to managing time. I came across a blog written by David Kilian, “Time is of the Essence,” in which he writes in a much more personal style of writing, that gives us readers a hands-on experience. In David’s End of the Week… blog post, he talks about how it is crucial to have down time. After a hectic week, it is only appropriate to give yourself down time. He writes, “It is finally time for me to relax and take a day or two for myself. I think that it is good to give yourself days like these. No work. No responsibilities. Just a whole lot of time for yourself.”

I really appreciated David’s post, as he presents another aspect to structure. I preach about how staying on top of tasks, and taking the time to plan is vital for success; David’s approach is to make sure that there is balance in our busy lives, and that will keep us recharged and ready. The Weekend is a great time for this. A time to rest, relax, and recharge.

Kilian, D. (2017, September 30). End of the week… — Time is of the Essence — Medium. Retrieved October 02, 2017, from https://medium.com/time-is-of-the-essence/end-of-the-week-f2deb761c51b

