Secondary Research #1

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2018

My peers point of view

In this form of Secondary Research I will be examining one of my peers time management blogs. I will be looking for new insight and any similarities that our blogs may have. This is helpful because, by looking at someone’s post in the same situation as me can be beneficial for improving my blogs by implementing any valid points my peer may have. In addition I can use some of his research to help bolster mine.

In my peers blog he decided to use technology to his advantage. He decided to use the ‘reminders’ app to help keep track of his tasks for the week. He explains it as follows, “I started writing down everything that needed to get done throughout the week in the ‘reminders’ app on my iPhone. I decided to try this out because sometimes I forget to do trivial things, but tasks that would improve my life.” (Wallen, Blog post 2). In other words, this is a very simple and easy way to keep track of your time. Even in his case for “trivial” tasks that he may forget to do from time to time, shows that he is willing to improve and be successful. Overall his experiment worked because he was able to input the timing and placement of each task. Though this is very simple, it showed that even the easiest of ideas can improve your work ethic.

If I had one piece of advice for Josh, it would be to record how long each task took after it was completed. By only putting down the time of each event you won’t be able to see how much time he spends on each task. This way he can keep track of how long each task he does takes so he can cut down on down time if he needs to, or maybe he has more down time than he thinks. Overall this is a good start for improving your time management and by inputting technology it shows that your are with modern time. I will definitely try to use the ‘reminders’ app in the future.

Peers blog-

