LIFE ADVICE — Lessons Learned

Our Timeless discoveries of the week 28/01

Gilles Vanermen
Timeless Wisdom
4 min readJan 28, 2018


One week ago, we put on our Timeless glasses and dove into the realm of Life Advice. I kicked things off with my 5 favorite articles, podcasts & clips on this broad subject.

Yup, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Then again, we also knew it could be worthwhile: How cool would it be to have an epic collection of “bite-sized” wisdom to give to every young person on their 18th birthday? Or 25th?

Well, we’re not there yet.

But we have learned… And that’s why I’m doing it personally.
Thanks to everyone for contributing! As always:

“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.”

What have we learned?

1. Relationships

As a single, somewhat egoistic introvert, I only associated Life Advice with enriching myself. In came FJHendrix with a clear statement (and an awesome piece to back it up):

“Relationships are at the core of what you achieve in life. A partner can be a source of motivation or a source of misery. Don’t underestimate how this impacts all other aspects of your life.”

2. Career

“You have about 80.000 hours in your career.” Auwtch. On a dull Friday afternoon, that sounds like a whole fucking lot. On the other hand, it’s actually not that much… How do I make the most of it? It’s a question we’re all struggling with… Thank you laurensdp for providing some guidance!

3. Happiness Science

I like being happy. I like a scientific approach to things. This could be a great marriage!

4. Rules! Short — but powerful ones!

The shorter the advice — the more likely it is to stick. Let’s not make things overly complicated! Cheers to Big Boss for these contributions.


We’re not there yet. I’m not claiming to have even a fraction of the wisdom of some of the people mentioned here. That will take a lifetime of trying and failing. :)

But, it’s definitely fun to gather a lot of opinions and store them in one place. That’s basically what we’re doing at Timeless. I would really love for all of you to join in and give us some food for thought!

=> Check out the Life Advice page to have an overview of all classics on Life!


Most certainly not. Next week, we’ll dive into the topic of Entrepreneurship: we’ll be looking for advice for first-time founders; people looking to build something value; intrapreneurs; etc. etc.
To kick things off, we’ll hear about the best pieces from an actual founder who is going through the hustle at the moment.
I’m looking forward!!

Your fellow Timeless geeks,
Gilles & Thomas

Why Timeless?

As you may know, we’re trying to find and preserve truly valuable content on the web. The first blog post gives some more context on the idea of an open database of “wisdom”. In short: we’re trying to separate the signal from the noise on the web. We’re not looking for the next hype or trend; we’re looking for principles that can be applied in many different circumstances.


First and most crucial step: find the wisdom. On today’s over-crowded internet, ruled by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other hype-machines… this could prove hard enough.
Here’s the plan:

  • Every week, I start things off with my 5 all-time classics on a certain theme.
  • Productivity, Decision Making, Health, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, … y mucho más!
  • If you have great material on this subject, you can upload it into the database. Sharing is caring!
  • We check out each other’s favorites and rate them on their timeless value.
  • Subject by subject, we build up “hit-lists” of wisdom to preserve and expand.
  • Maybe most importantly, we all learn a shit ton of each other in the process.

Visit the first version of the database: Timeless Wisdom

