Timeless Mission 1: PRODUCTIVITY

January 7, 2018. And so it begins…

Gilles Vanermen
Timeless Wisdom
3 min readJan 7, 2018


Timeless Mission? Why?

We’re trying to find and preserve truly valuable content on the web. The first blog post about Timeless gives some more context on the idea of an open database of “wisdom”. In short: we’re trying to separate the signal from the noise on the web. We’re not looking for the next hype or trend; we’re looking for principles that can be applied in many different circumstances.

Want to join in on the fun & wisdom? Sign up here to get a weekly update with 5 Timeless articles.


First and most crucial step: find the wisdom. On today’s over-crowded internet, ruled by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other hype-machines… this could prove hard enough.
Here’s the plan:

  • Every week, I start things off with my 5 all-time classics on a certain theme. (Productivity, Decision Making, Health, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, … y mucho más!)
  • If you have great material on this subject, you can upload it into the database. Sharing is caring!
  • We check out each other’s favorites and rate them on their timeless value.
  • Subject by subject, we build up “hit-lists” of wisdom to preserve and expand.

Maybe most importantly, we all learn a shit ton of each other in the process.

One week into 2018, we start with a subject that I most need right now: Productivity. It’s also one of those topics where there might be the most noise and bogus floating out there…

Without further ado:

My personal 5 favorites on Productivity

  1. “Productivity” Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-depressive and Crazy (Like me)
    Tim Ferriss (2008), 5 min read
    Although it’s short and weird, this is the holy bible of productivity for me.
    In his typical style, Tim Ferriss breaks some common myths on productivity: “Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions.” Well worth the read!
  2. “Why Procrastinators Procrastinate”
    Wait But Why (2012), 8 min read
    In his typical style, Tim Urban tackles an age-old question: Why the hell do we put off tasks till the last minute? Boy if I had only read this one in college… Some people say it is the greatest trick: you can now procrastinate by reading an article on procrastination! ;-) I just love the animations…
  3. “The Pomodoro Technique: How to work 40 hours in 16.7”
    Chris Winfield (2015), 6 min read
    Very practical piece, but potentially life-changing. It sounds so simple that it looks like a scam: “Please just do one thing for 25 minutes. And then you get a tomato.” But try it, and see how hard it is nowadays… Oh and we all know… No tomato, no party.
  4. “Hard work is irrelevant”
    Planet Money (2017) — 19 min listen
    Productivity applied to teams and organizations! This great little podcast tells the story of Netflix’s attitude to people and their effectiveness. It’s radical, intriguing and perfect for shaking you up on a morning commute. “Measure results, not time..”
  5. “No more zero days”
    ryans01 on reddit (2013) — 7 min read
    This baby is hard to categorize… Motivational? Productivity? Plain old good sense? Either way, “No more zero days” is a mighty strong concept. Momentum is everything in life and there’s nobody bettter to teach you than ryans01 on freaking Reddit!

Up to you now!

Here’s what you can do to get some Timeless mojo:

  • Read one of the pieces
    Quick mathz: First one is 5 minutes. That’s less than 0.0001% of your time in 2018. If it changes your way of thinking just a tiny bit… It’s worth it.
  • Make me look ridiculous; by uploading way more awesome shit
    Think wide and far…. Productivity, time management tricks, psychological hacks, cool resources/tools, … Articles, podcasts, Youtube clips, E-books, your own writings?, … Everything is welcome!


Most certainly not. You will hear from me exactly one week from now with an update on the first Timeless Mission (no spam inbetween, I promise).

Your fellow Timeless geeks,
Gilles & Thomas

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

- Benjamin Franklin

