Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2022


If interested in physics of gravity and time check Simple quantum explanation of gravity without mass or math first.

Bob explained that the craft after it was raised above the ground, leaned to its side, so that its engine output at the bottom of the craft should point into the direction of a move:

Gradients in time dilation (red arrows) show where craft is pulled in. And you may think of craft having skin made of slow time moves inside the fast time bubble. Thinking that fast time bubble is moving inside normal time is not entirely correct, because fast time bubble is not an object. I assume that there were some measurements made, because Bob talked about gravitational waves (which are not exactly the same as they were described in chapter 10, but similar from the time dilation perspective). I am wondering how “fast timezone” could suppress possible sonic boom — perhaps some kind of uneven shape of the borders between fast and normal time, or/and between slow time and fast time, was dissipating sonic waves (U.S. use uneven surfaces in stealth craft technologies for radio reflection dissipation).

Interstellar travel mode logically could be different.

Slowing time in the cabin, as in sci-fi movies, is to save crew’s time on trip.

Fast time layer allows travelling beyond speed of light!? Let’s validate if that violates c-speed limit from any perspective:

For the observer on the left, object travelled 100*c distance in 200 seconds.

For the observer on the right, where time runs 100 times slower, only 2 seconds passed. And from his perspective object travelled from A to B, so no c-speed violation from his perspective either. And no spatial changes — time matters only!

Continued at When Flying Saucers Meet Matter and Collide with Objects.

Read free eBook “Beyond Cutting Edge with Bob Lazar” in PDF, Amazon, Google.

