When Flying Saucers Meet Matter and Collide with Objects

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
8 min readNov 29, 2022


In BOB LAZAR: INVISIBILE CRAFT AND RADIO COMMUNICATION we explored heart-shaped time dilation zone around the craft:

Yellow area marks “safety zone”

Bob explained that the craft is invisible to an observer standing under the heart. It is because of refraction and reflection explained in frozen candle story: light from (or reflected from) the craft bounces back over the lower part of the heart, but it can still get out through the heart’s upper side:

Can a beam of light shined from under the heart reach the orange craft? No. Why? If we were able to draw a light line/beam, starting from under the heart, that after the initial refraction/penetration at the heart wall and after several reflections/bounces over the heart walls reached the orange craft, then by the same but traversed back trajectory light from the craft can go backward and get out through the bottom of the heart. And that does not happen because the craft is invisible from below.

Bob described that the craft tilts to its side and moves in the direction where the sharp end of the heart points to, so if rotate the picture to its side, the craft move looks like in the picture below:

Now, what can we say about light, or about some objects, air, or water coming from the direction where the craft moves to? About light we already know: light from the heart bottom won’t reach the craft, that means nobody in the craft can see in the direction of the travel — blind folded travel, right? Yes, but it depends on time dilation rate D: how much time inside the heart is slower than outside the heart.

Let’s do some recap on that factor D of time dilation:

In my book, this factor D is often denoted as (1+Z), where Z is so-called “redshift”. But here we will be talking about D, for example, D=1 or Z=0 means no time dilation and no redshift. For us, it is important that refraction index by Snell’s law is the same D (that was proved in the 1st chapter of my book). In Simple quantum explanation of gravity without mass or math (chapter 18 of the book) we discussed that gravity is caused by time dilation, and time dilation around the Earth is about 1.000000001 (Z value of one billionth, or difference between D and 1 is about one billionth), but to counter the Earth gravity even one trillionth rate for time difference will be enough, because time dilation at several meters above the Earth and on the Earth differ at less than trillionth rate.

If the craft is still visible from the sharp end of the heart, then there is almost no refraction, meaning D is very close to 1, so light and objects from the bottom of the heart still can reach/hit the craft. But when the craft becomes invisible from the bottom, then refraction index D (which is time dilation) is a big number. We already know what happens to a light beam when it crosses the border of highly dilated time. Now to the question: “What happens to an object crossing the border between what I call timezones?” Object, when crossing the border, will get a very significant speed boost (details are in chapter 2 of the book) in the direction perpendicular to the timezones border, basically in the same direction where light is refracted to. That boost value is (2Z+Z²)/(2+2Z+Z²)*c, where c is the speed of light. Or if rewrite it using D-term

boost = c-2c/(D²+1)

This is very close to the speed of light for big D-values (only for D = 1, when no time dilation, boost = 0). Thus, the object will move almost by the same trajectory as the light beam when entering the heart timezone from the bottom of the heart, and like the light beam, it will miss the orange craft. And once it leaves the heart area it will get the same value negative boost (loses the gained speed), so it comes out of the heart area at a speed close to the original speed, which is close to zero. That explains the lack of sonic boom even if the craft moves at supersonic speed in the atmosphere, and explains no significant splashes observed when it enters water:


Spray behind UFO is explained below, but there is more to it. For significant D values (which is the case we are looking at):

1. Any object will be destroyed when entering the heart zone.

2. Air or water streams do not collide or whirl much inside the heart (otherwise these whirlpools would hit the craft).

1) A part of an object on entering a slow timezone is boosted significantly in speed and that boost will rip off that part from the rest of the object that is still outside the slow timezone (because of inertia of the rest of the object). And the following few bounces of the object parts against the heart walls will finish whatever is left of the object. The only question remains: “Is it ripped apart to dust, at molecular, atomic, or particles level?” My guess would be that it is ripped apart to the atoms (because chemical bonds between atoms are weak, compared to the strong ripping force source), but I assume such tests were conducted in area 51— Bob mentioned a craft in a hangar with a hole damage in it.

2) It seems that air or water streams coming through opposite sides of the heart should mix inside and hit the craft:

But it is not what happens. Inside the heart, the speed of air or water molecules (or atoms into which they are ripped apart) increases dramatically (close to c), so these streams become discrete flows: molecules/atoms ripped at the border are enormously accelerated and separated from the following molecules/atoms. Most of them (molecules or atoms) miss collisions, and few of them, which do collide, basically exchange momentums / places. Thus, such streams pass through the heart zone almost instantly in a discrete manner, and become continuous flow of atoms or molecules only after exiting the heart area:

And on exiting, their speed is back to close to 0, because the boost is lost when crossing the border out. By the way, the closer discrete beams pass to the red dots in the picture above (red dots are the centers of circles forming the top of the heart) the more chances for the beams to get out (by Snell’s law: the closer a beam to a border perpendicular, which is a radius, the better chances for it to refract/cross the border, rather than get reflected/bounced back).

I think the energy of the craft is enough to travel through a wall (by evaporating it into dust of atoms as we discussed above), but what kind of wall? Check BOB LAZAR: JOULES AND ENERGY CONSERVATION (chapter 20 of the book) on E = mc²D², which is Einsteinian formula E = mc² with time dilation D accounted for the energy of slow time trapped/canned inside half a pound of element 115 fuel described by Bob. D in this case is not time dilation around the craft (time dilation around the craft can vary). D in this case is dilation of the time whenever/wherever these element atoms were created in comparison to our time. Time in the Universe was very slow then, and it tends to speed up only. It is well explained in my book. Very slow time inside these atoms gives them stability (long lifetime from our perspective, vs. synthesized in our time Moscovium, which is radioactive/unstable), and that -factor provides an astronomical amount of energy.

P.S. Having such an engine and 500 pounds (per Bob Lazar) of such fuel, a tunnel boring company could build/evaporate through dozens of “Eurotunnels” and a space company could put thousands of satellites on Earth orbit without even breaking a sweat and without burning million tons of fossil fuels.

By the way, in pre-dynastic Egypt, someone carved pottery out of granite:


Such massive production (40,000 bowls found) should have impressed Egyptian craftsmen and the public (who baked and used pottery out of clay). It could be a logical path to gain power over the public, and eventually switch from pottery to wonderfully precise sculpturing in diorite (hardness level 8, when coper/brass tools hardness is 3)


and megalithic mansonry:

Time dilation technology counters gravity and evaporates/cuts any material — it would be the right tool for these craftsmen.

