Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
8 min readJul 19, 2022



Our Sun burns hydrogen into helium, and Sun can burn hydrogen in its core only where hydrogen is dense enough. Some stars burn helium into carbon, carbon into nitrogen, nitrogen into oxygen, … And lots of photons and neutrinos are generated in such burning. In this chapter we’ll talk about “time burning into particles” (matter, antimatter, photons). In the middle of this book, we described that long time ago, when time was very dense/slow, time was burning into matter (and antimatter) of which our Universe was made eventually. Apparently, time should be very dense/slow (meaning Spacetime has high energy) to burn into matter easily, otherwise we would have seen it burning everywhere. And it still burns in some areas. Let’s recollect where slow time could be found:

- Everywhere — long time ago,

- At the Milky Way center now (because of strong gravitational time dilation),

- Inside energetic particles (because of strong relativistic time dilation).

CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background — isotropic 2mm wavelength radiation) previously was speculated as coming from hydrogen atoms formation following the Big Bang (and the original wavelength was thousand times shorter than 2mm). But since we debunked Big Bang, we can speculate now that it comes from the annihilation of matter and antimatter produced out of time. Wavelength of “annihilation” photons is billion times shorter than 2mm — if it comes from electron-positron annihilation, and it is trillion times shorter than 2mm — if it comes from proton-antiproton reaction (it includes decay of intermediate particles: proton-antiproton annihilation is more complicated than just electron-positron annihilation into a pair of photons). That means redshift Z for the CMB-from-annihilation is in billion-to-trillion range. Thus, time was billion-to-trillion times slower back then. So, particles produced at that time encapsulate time that is billion-to-trillion times more energetic/slower than time is now. Is it even possible for particles to encapsulate such an energetic/slow time? High energy particles are observed in cosmic rays or made in accelerators by speeding up protons or electrons.

The top energetic particles obtained/observed:

- Proton at CERN 299,792,455 m/sec

- Electron at CERN 299,792,457.9964 m/sec

- In cosmic rays 299,792,457.999999999999918 m/sec

Let’s analyze the winner and calculate what is the relativistic redshift Z for such cosmic ray particle, from a known formula:

Z+1 = (1+V/C)⁰·⁵ / (1-V/C)⁰·⁵

= (1+1)⁰·⁵ / (1–299,792,457.999999999999918 / 299,792,458)⁰·⁵

= 2⁰·⁵ / (82 * 10⁻¹⁵ / (3 * 10⁸))⁰·⁵ = (3/41 * 10²³)⁰·⁵ = 85.5 * 10⁹

Time in this moving particle is 85.5 billion times slower compared to when this particle was at rest, when time was encapsulated at the particle creation. If we knew what was time density at rest, then we can multiply by 85.5 billion to understand what is time density in that particle now. If assume that such ray was created 32 billion years ago (farthest real observed area), when rest-time was 12 times slower compared to today’s time (remember farthest timezone with Z=11 in the first chapter?), then the original rest-time encapsulated in such particle is 12 times slower than we experience now. We need to multiply our current Second by 12 to get the original rest-time’s Second of the particle, and then multiply it by 85.5 billion to get its Second in the cosmic ray.

85.5 billion * 12 = billion-to-trillion

Thus, Second in the cosmic ray is billion-to-trillion times longer than our Second, meaning time in the cosmic ray is billion-to-trillion times slower than the time we live in. This real cosmic ray justifies particle’s ability to carry such an energetic/slow time inside.

Now, back to CMB: the hypothetical billion-to-trillion slower/denser time at the matter formation era looks plausible: particles are able to carry such time.

Let’s talk about accelerated protons that are used for antiproton generation at CERN and Fermilab. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiproton_Decelerator: “Antiprotons are created by impinging a proton beam from the Proton Synchrotron on a metal target (iridium core, which is an extremely hard and dense metal).” At first it looks strange: why an accelerated proton hitting a static target proton produces antiproton instead of producing helium like Sun does? If you ask this question, you will get a quantitative answer: “It is because protons in such accelerators and in Sun are very different in energies”. But actually, difference is qualitative, and it is related to the “time burning” directly. Proton acceleration slows time inside the proton — people can slow particle’s time by accelerating charged particle in strong magnetic field. Now, instead of thinking that we threw near-light-speed proton into the metallic static target, let’s think in reverse: We smashed iridium core at the proton which has slow time inside. We changed this experiment perspective from:

Proton is the bullet and iridium is the target,

and the proton at near speed of light hits the target.

to the reversed perspective where target and bullet change roles:

Iridium is the bullet and proton is the target,

and iridium at near speed of light hits proton that has very slow time inside it. Universe bombards “nearly black holes” (where time crawls slowly) by cosmic rays all the time. But our smart scientists found a “reversed” way in the lab — “target (iridium core) hits a bullet (slow-time proton)”. Now we will show that “Antiproton was produced by burning time — that is what was happening”. It is the main part of the chapter, and the mechanics of it will shed a light on what is going inside Milky Way. And we will understand the iridium choice.

Let’s consider general case when some object or some particle crosses timezones:

Let’ consider two cases (I picked some small and big number pairs to ease the calculations):

- Object velocity V = 0.2*C and red timezone redshift Z = 9

- Object velocity V = 0.9*C and red timezone redshift Z = 0.2

In either case, there is no problem for the top of the object moving through the white timezone. But we will see the resistance and impossibility for this object moving through the red zone:

1) For V = 0.2*C it takes about 5 sec of white zone time to go from A to B.

In red zone, where time is Z+1 = 10 times slower, only 5/10 = 0.5 sec passed for this move. But distance from A to B in the red zone is the same 299,792,458 m, so our object in red zone moves at 299,792,458 m / 0.5 sec = 2*C — twice the speed of light.

2) For V = 0.9*C it takes about 1 / 0.9 = 1.111 sec of white zone time to reach B.

In red zone time is Z+1 = 1.2 times slower, and 1.111 / 1.2 = 0.926 sec passed there. So, object velocity in red zone is 299,792,458 m / 0.926 sec > 299,792,458 m/sec — greater than the speed of light.

This speed limit violation can be resolved in two ways only. Either object is destroyed when red area is touched; or time speeds up along the object’s trajectory — above the thick blue line. There is nothing interesting to learn from the destruction scenario, except that it explains iridium choice: it is very tough material to destroy, and that iridium rod plays the role of an object hitting slow time inside the accelerated proton.

Let’s talk about resolving the situation by time speeding up at the object path:

1) For V = 0.2*C let’s figure out what redshift X will not violate the light speed limit:

With 5 sec passed at the white zone, 5/(X+1) sec passes at the red zone, thus, 299,792,458 / (5/(X+1)) should not be greater than C = 299,792,458 m/sec. Therefore,

299,792,458 / (5/(X+1)) <= 299,792,458 m/sec,

X+1 <= 5,

X <= 4.

Changing redshift from 9 to 4 in the pink area (see the image below) solves the problem:

That means time at the pink area loses energy to the particles radiated out. That resembles Cherenkov effect — see below.

2) For the second pair of V and Z, the outcome/solution is the same — time burning in the pink area (the same image above). Time from A to B in the white area takes 1.111 sec. With a new redshift X in the pink area, the same path takes 1.111/(X+1) sec of the pink area time. Thus, to travel a distance of 299,792,458m we need at least 1 sec, so X+1 <= 1.111 solves the problem. Redshift change from 0.2 to 0.111 abides the speed limitation.

In a way, it reminds of Cherenkov’s effect for a charged particle travelling in water with a speed faster than “speed of light inside the water” (which is around 26,000,000 m/sec << C): blue light is radiated from this particle until the particle slows down to the “speed of light in the water” or even below. In our case, such Cherenkov-like radiation consists of particles, antiparticles and high energy photons. And time at the path is partially burnt “from red to pink” — to a redshift value that allows such movement.

We have understood why antiproton is generated from an accelerated proton and the iridium target: through “time burning”. Now we can apply this knowledge to what is going on inside Milky Way and in other spiral galaxies. In the second chapter, we discussed time in spiral arms running faster than in the gray areas between the arms. Based on Vera Rubin’s data, the grey areas are redshifted at about Z~0.001 (exact value varies by galaxies) in comparison to the arms. In the second chapter we used Doppler effect analogy to figure out velocity boosted on stars leaving an arm. But now, we can redo it simpler using the energy invariance principle: when a star moves from an arm to a grey area — from faster time to slower time — the energy of the system goes down (see the second part of “Energy measures time” chapter), so the speed of the star should go up (see the first part of “Energy measures time” chapter) to compensate the energy loss. Now, why arms exist at all? Those arms are streams of burnt-out time (Second is shorter, energy is less there) from inside the galaxy center (bar or disk). Burn-out rate is moderate (Z~0.001 means 0.1% rate). In the center of the galaxy gravitational time dilation is very strong, and on top of that dilation, there are massive stars in the galaxy’s center (“nearly black holes”), so dilation around them is even stronger. Thus, particles and objects hitting such areas “burn time” on their passage exactly as it was described for the “pink area” above. Particles, antiparticles and a lot of “annihilation” photons are produced there. But because galaxy center has strong time dilation, produced radiation is redshifted to us, and energies/frequencies observed seem lower. Charged antiparticles that avoided collisions/annihilation at the galaxy center are thrown out from the galactic plane into the galactic bulge by the strong magnetic field of the galaxy, and they annihilate in the bulge and give out radiation. All that explains energetic and random radiation in the galaxy center, and where spiral arms of burned-out time come from — they are the exhausts/chimneys of the galaxy.

And if you remember HOW MATTER IS MADE AND WHERE ANTIMATTER IS chapter about early days of Spacetime, when our Universe was getting matter — same reasoning could be applied there: when particles from a faster time area enter slower time areas (which I drew as grey bubbles, see the second picture in that chapter) that can cause particles-antiparticles-photons bursts and time burning, if the particle violates local speed limit.

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